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🛠 ❤️ ♫ - ONLINE - MUSIC - Chrome Music Lab - Song Maker (Work with Chrome)

by decembre (via)
un site un peu particulier, qui va surement plaire à vos enfants, mais également aux grands enfants que vous êtes. Ce site c’est Chrome Music Lab qui regroupe plusieurs « expériences » sonores bien délirantes, dont certaines m’ont même inspiré ! Vous y ferez de la musique de manière ludique et instinctive. De quoi passer un bon moment, voire expliquer aux enfants les principes de base de la musique. Je viens de passer 12h dessus à m’amuser et franchement ça vaut le détour.



by sbrothier & 2 others
The world’s simplest and most intuitive wireless speaker and FM radio ever. Simply lift the cap to turn it on, the further you lift the cap the louder it gets. For its compact size, this product offers one of the best performing speakers available to date; its sound will easily fill the space of the largest apartment.


Night Drive Radio

by sbrothier
— Mix and Tracks for the night.


SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound For The Web

by sbrothier & 13 others
SoundManager 2 makes it easier to play sounds using Javascript. By wrapping and extending the Flash sound API, SoundManager 2 brings solid audio functionality to Javascript.


fresh good minimal » Boru mix for FGM

by François Hodierne

Boru: Abia re-aterizata la Berlin dupa o vara intensa, bucuresteana am primit “comanda” unui mix pentru FGM. M-am simiti onorata si m-am pus pe treaba. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu imi prea place sa mixez in pijama in sufragerie ci mai degraba in cluburi dar oricum ar fi prejudecata mea: pijama vs clubbing, am dat curs provocarii . Si asta a iesit. Acum las pe altii sa judece daca este “pijama” sau “clubbing”.

Mama Lisa's World en français: Comptines et chansons pour les enfants du monde entier

by sbrothier
Bienvenue sur Mama Lisa's World en français, qui abrite la plus grande collection de comptines et chansons enfantines internationales de tout l'internet. Quelle que soit la culture à laquelle un enfant appartienne, quel que soit le drapeau sous lequel il ou elle vive, voici le lieu où trouver des chansons enfantines, en français et dans leur langue d'origine. Certaines chansons ont la musique Midi ou Mp3.

Thru You : Kutiman remixe Youtube

by sbrothier
Il y a des milliers, des millions peut-être de vidéos de musiciens amateurs sur Youtube. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que quelqu'un réalise que c'était là plus grande bibliothèque de samples du monde. Kutiman, un multi-instrumentiste de Tel Aviv auteur d'un album funky passé relativement inaperçu en 2008, aura été le premier. Le premier en tout cas à produire l'équivalent d'un album en coupant, collant, démontant et remontant des dizaines et des dizaines de vidéos d'amateurs de Youtube.

2008 | Musique : Chrome Hoof - Pre-emptive false rapture

by sbrothier, 1 comment
En procédant à une relecture hautement jouissive de tout ce que la musique a généré de plus stimulant ces trois dernières décennies, aussi bien en termes de créativité et d'innovation que d'énergie, le groupe renoue avec l'esprit de liberté mâtiné d'imaginaire psychédélique qui florissait dans les séculaires années 70

myAWOL: A Music Label For The Digital Age

by sbrothier
myAWOL (My Artists Without Labels) is looking to show the big four how it’s done. The site is taking a multi-pronged approach to tackle the music industry with the web: first, it will roll out a professional database to help establish itself as an authority in the space. Then, this Fall, it will introduce a consumer site that will function as a mix between a music community, online television channel, and independent music label.

A Mood-Based Music Classification and Exploration System

by sbrothier
by Owen Craigie Meyers B.Mus., McGill University (2004) Submitted to the Program in Media Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Planning, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2007

Sweeper : Automatically tag your music collection with metadata from

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
A while back released a command line tool to retrieve metadata for an arbitrary mp3 from their new fingerprint database. I tried it yesterday and it seemed way better than MusicBrainz. So, as a person with a lot of random mp3s, I cooked up a script for retagging entire folders of songs. Tagger

by sbrothier
So, I'm trying my hand at Cocoa, namely RubyCocoa. Objective-C is a bit out of my grasp right now. If I start needing big performance boosts, I'll go that route. In the meantime, writing RubyCocoa apps is insanely fun. I wrote this basic tagger in 2 days (roughly 6 hours) and it works pretty well! If you plan on trying out this app, create a small playlist with the name 'lastfmtagger' and put a few albums in there.

The Body - Carter Burwell - Discography

by sbrothier
Carter Burwell is the composer, artist or producer of the following records:

AutoRate : iTunes rating made easy

by sbrothier
This application automatically sets the rating for all tracks in your iTunes library according to how often each track is played, and how often each track is skipped. Tracks that are frequently skipped are penalised, while often-played tracks are given a higher rating. This is particularly useful when using the 'Play higher rated songs more often' option with Party Shuffle, or using smart playlists.

Welcome to Chaotic Software

by sbrothier & 2 others
A collection of powerful tools for media enthusiasts with a Macintosh using Mac OS X. Media Rage can read and write information stored in MP3, AAC/MP4, FLAC, AIFF, WAVE, BWF, and Ogg Vorbis audio files as well as EXIF (read only) tags in digital images. Media Rage can assist you in cataloging, organizing, sorting, and updating thousands of audio files with ease.

MPFreaker 1.7.4 - MacUpdate

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
Imagine a program which automatically fills in missing information in your music library. MPFreaker searches the internet to find out what album that song belongs to, the year that song was released, what genre that album belongs to, track numbers, even album cover artwork and lyrics — and automatically adds this information directly into your song files, in seconds.

Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes ♫ Welcome

by sbrothier & 4 others
Download 440 (and counting) free user-contributed AppleScripts for Apple's iTunes that will make maintaining your digital music collection easier and more fun!

Tangerine! | Potion Factory

by sbrothier & 3 others
Tangerine! lets you easily create playlists of upbeat music, or playlists for relaxing. It works by analyzing the BPM and the beat intensity of your music. Spend your time listening to music, not making playlists.


by sbrothier (via)
This blog is for discussion, support, and distribution of AutoTagX, an MP3/AAC tag editor and organizer for Macintosh OSX.

beaTunes ~ build better playlists

by sbrothier & 2 others
Clean up your act! Get beaTunes 1.2! What started out as a BPM detection tool for DJs, runners and dancers, has become one of the finest iTunes™ library management tools around. beaTunes' powerful inspection feature let's you clean up your iTunes track data in a way unrivaled by any other software on the market today. Easily find typos or different spellings of artists' names, automatically fill in the album artist names, and much more. No more R.E.M. and REM in your iPod's artist list! beaTunes can even help you to find the titles of tracks that have no artist or title associated with them. And once you have a clean collection, the built-in playlist generator works even better.


by sbrothier & 11 others
Easily create and share mixtapes !

The Married Monk

by sbrothier
Ne jamais être là où on l'attend, tel semble être la devise artistique de The Married Monk. Successeur inattendu de The Belgian Kick, ce cinquième album est la musique d'Elephant People, un opéra pop qui rassemble les figures emblématiques de la monstruosité. Pour l'occasion, le chanteur guitariste Christian Quermalet, le bassiste Philippe Lebruman, le saxophoniste Etienne Jaumet et le nouveau batteur Nicolas Courret (Bed, Headphone), qui jouent sur scène pendant des représentations ont concocté une bande-son alternant chansons enivrantes et passages parlés par les comédiens du spectacle, dont la créature post-moderne Vincent McDoom.

Sounds of the Circus - Music from the Golden Age of the American Circus

by sbrothier
The South Shore Circus Concert Band is one of the few bands in the country dedicated to preserving authentic music from the golden age of the American Circus. They have performed numerous times with the Big Apple Circus both in New York City at the world famous Lincoln Center and Boston. They have also played for Sells and Gray Circus, Clyde Beatty, Ed Migleys Shrine, Hanneford and Carson and Barnes Circus.

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