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05 March 2006

HGE - GPWiki

by bcpbcp
Explicaçao e tutoriais sobre a HGE. According to, HGE (Haaf's Game Engine) is a "an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily." It is built upon DirectX8, but no knowledge of DirectX programming is necessary, just familiarity with C++.

UW Libraries - Guide to Planning and Conducting Usability Tests

by bcpbcp (via)
This document is meant to provide a foundation for your next usability test. Pages found here borrow heavily from Jeffrey Rubin's Handbook of Usability Testing.

04 March 2006

C# coding standards and Best Programming Practices - C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET

by bcpbcp (via)
Believe it, majority of the programmers write 'Working Code', but not 'Efficient Code'. As we mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, do you want to become the 'Most Valued Professional' of your company? Writing 'Efficient Code' is an art and you must learn and practice it.

Tableless - Ajax Demo

by bcpbcp
Ajax é a sigla para "Asynchronous Javascript and XML". Se você entende inglês, pode ler uma excelente explicação do assunto no artigo de Jesse James Garrett: Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications. Não é uma coisa nova, e eu já falei um pouco sobre isso no meu blog. A idéia é utilizar Javascript para transformar suas páginas em aplicações, de modo que não precise recarregar a tela cada vez que o usuário clicar em alguma coisa. Você pode recarregar apenas a área que precisa ser alterada pela ação realizada.

Creating a MySQL connection with PHP/AJAX at John Wiseman

by bcpbcp & 5 others (via)
In this tutorial I will explain how to open a mysql database connection using PHP and the all popular AJAX. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the XMLHttpRequest object works within php and the advantages of using it. This tutorial will be the first in a series of articles leading to the development of a fully functional dynamic web events application.

25 February 2006

Processing XML with the XML Pull Parser

by bcpbcp (via)
The DOMParser is probably the most commonly used Java object for reading and validating XML documents. The DOMParser reads the XML and (depending on the parser initialization) will validate the XML against an XML schema. If the XML is valid, the DOMParser will return a Document (DOM) object, which represents the XML as a tree structure. The XML can be processed by walking this tree. An example of how the DOMParser can be applied to processing arithmetic expressions in XML format is discussed on a companion web page.

Agent-Based Modelling Tutorials- Main Page

by bcpbcp (via)
This tutorial contains three main sections: * Java basics - A basic introduction to some of the concepts of the Java programming language. * Eclipse basics - A basic introduction to using the Eclipse Java development environment. * RePast tutorial - A basic tutorial and step-by-step guide to creating a RePast model (with Table of Contents here)

LosersJuegos - Usando seno y coseno

by bcpbcp (via)
En este articulo discutiremos algunas técnicas de programación de juegos, todas en torno a un tema central: las funciones seno y coseno. Se explicará el concepto de seno, coseno, vectores, tangentes y algunos efectos especiales. Veremos como hacer misiles direccionales y como trabajan las rotaciones de bitmap. Comenzaré con lo más básico, pero luego cubriré técnicas de programación de juegos un poco mas avanzadas. Puede descargar todos los códigos de ejempo (12 en total) desde aquí. Todos se verificaron con anterioridad utilizando el compilador DJGPP. Si usted tiene DJGPP, puede descomprimir los fuentes y el makefile en un directorio y correr "make".

18 February 2006

12 February 2006

A PyGame Working Example: Starting a Game

by bcpbcp
In PyGame for Game Development, I showed you the very basics of PyGame's graphical side. However, creating a game with PyGame requires a bit more. All the concepts described before need to be glued together somehow, and new concepts will need to be introduced in order to create a functional game. In this article, we'll do just that by tackling a working example of PyGame's capabilities—a Python-powered game.

19 January 2006

15 Seconds : A Step-by-Step Guide To Using MySQL with ASP.NET - Part 1

by bcpbcp
Back in the days of classic ASP, if you were building a database-driven web site, your choice was either to invest a lot of money to get a copy of Microsoft SQL Server (or some other enterprise-ready database) or invest a lot of time finding a way to deal with the performance and scalability limitations of Microsoft Access. Luckily these days there's another viable alternative: MySQL.

Video Game Development: Learn to Write C# the Fun Way

by bcpbcp & 1 other
Learn the concepts of 3-D video game production as instructors from DigiPen Institute of Technology demonstrate the key stages of developing a game engine using Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, a new development environment for beginner programmers.

17 January 2006

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