Se reapproprier les espaces defensifs ou deconsideres de nos villes
by sbrothierCouvrez cette ville que je ne saurais voir ! Depuis quelques années, les décideurs publics et les aménageurs urbains jouent les Tartuffe à trop vouloir se protéger des dérives de nos villes. Mobilier urbain anti SDF, éclairage spécial dans les gares pour éviter les drogués, dispositifs sonores anti-jeunes, la ville préfère contourner ses problèmes par des aménagements à tendance discriminatoire.
Au Canada, des bancs ingénieux conçus pour les SDF
by sbrothierL’automne dernier à Vancouver, au Canada, une association a mis en place des bancs spécialement conçus pour les sans-abri. L’initiative fait enfin parler d’elle.
Septembre 2013 : l’organisme à but non lucratif Raincity Housing, en collaboration avec l’agence de pub Spring Advertising, installe des bancs destinés aux sans-abri dans la ville de Vancouver. Ces refuges temporaires, modulables pour certains, permettent à ceux qui n’ont pas de toit d’au moins se protéger de la pluie.
The Web We Want: An Open Letter - YouTube
by sbrothierThe Web is our largest shared resource. Let's keep it free and open for us, and for the next generation.
by sbrothierThe Climate Reality Project is dedicated to unleashing a global cultural movement demanding action on the climate crisis.
Ma vie est tout à fait fascinante: Prends cinq minutes, et signe, copain.
by sbrothierLa pétition, à relayer et à signer, est là.
Ça vaut le coup d'essayer, vous croyez pas ?
Comment Contourner La Censure Sur Internet
by sbrothierParce que nous croyons profondément que la censure de l'Internet est non seulement contraire au principe même de l'Internet, à savoir de permettre à ses utilisateurs de communiquer les informations qu'ils désirent aux interlocuteurs qu'ils choisissent, mais aussi contraire au droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, [...] qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considérations de frontières, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit (DUDH, Article 19), nous vous proposons "Comment contourner la censure sur Internet".
Security In A Box | Tools and tactics for your digital security
by sbrothierecurity in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line. It was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication.
Mullah Piaz
by sbrothierIn March 2010, Hojjatollah Behrouz, managing director of the Tehran Traffic Control Company, was
quoted as saying that 550 cameras are now watching the streets and, in the course of a five-year plan,
their number should hit 1,400 in order to cover the whole city. The so called "Smart Systems" include
special cameras monitoring traffic restricted zones, visual control cameras, and multipurpose billboards.
Cory Doctorow’s craphound.com » News
by sbrothier & 1 otherOne sentence: Cory Doctorow (craphound.com) is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger -- the co-editor of Boing Boing (boingboing.net) and the author of the bestselling Tor Teen/HarperCollins UK novel LITTLE BROTHER. His latest young adult novel is HOMELAND, his latest novel for adults is RAPTURE OF THE NERDS.
Hackers For Charity
by jdrsantos & 11 others"Hackers for Charity is a non-profit organization that leverages the skills of technologists. We solve technology challenges for various non-profits and provide food, equipment, job training and computer education to the world's poorest citizens. "
Book review: Atlas of the Conflict. Israel-Palestine - we make money not art
by sbrothierMalkit Shoshan is an Israeli architect. She is the founder and director of the Amsterdam based architectural think tank FAST whose research explores the relations between architecture, planning, politics and activism in Israel/Palestine, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and the Netherlands.
Brave New Films
by sbrothier & 1 otherRobert Greenwald and Brave New Films are at the forefront of the fight to create a just America, and we want you to join us. Using new media and internet video campaigns, Brave New Films has created a quick-strike capability that informs the public, challenges corporate media with the truth, and motivates people to take action on social issues nationwide. We are an organization that can produce a hard-hitting three-minute video in less than 24 hours that exposes John McCain's double talk, for instance, and receives 8 million views around the world.
GUERRILLAGIRLS: Fighting discrimination with facts, humor and fake fur
by sbrothier & 2 othersWe're a bunch of anonymous females who take the names of dead women artists as pseudonyms and appear in public wearing gorilla masks. We have produced posters, stickers, books, printed projects, and actions that expose sexism and racism in politics, the art world, film and the culture at large. We use humor to convey information, provoke discussion, and show that feminists can be funny. We wear gorilla masks to focus on the issues rather than our personalities. Dubbing ourselves the conscience of culture, we declare ourselves feminist counterparts to the mostly male tradition of anonymous do-gooders like Robin Hood, Batman, and the Lone Ranger. Our work has been passed around the world by kindred spirits who we are proud to have as supporters. It has also appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, Bitch and Bust; on TV and radio, including NPR,, the BBC and CBC; and in countless art and feminist texts. The mystery surrounding our identities has attracted attention. We could be anyone; we are everywhere.