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PUBLIC MARKS with tags Annotations & ebook

04 April 2010 10:00

From free books to e-books: how publishers are dealing with digital - Telegraph

by night.kame

“Once hyperlinks and video are all standard features – I envision a time

when people will be able to buy an e-book and add their own hyperlinks and

videos to their copy. It will be like the modern version of annotating your

favourite book with pencil – only much, much better."

Se rendent-ils que beaucoup de lecteurs n'éprouvent pas le moindre besoin de se servir d'un livre comme d'un brouillon ?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Annotations

5.0 +   Enumerated +   j2se +   metadata +   tutorial +   types +  

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last mark : 04/04/2010 10:07