August 2006
July 2006
Spreadsheets! or How To Create An Auto Updating List
by ycc2106Why do we still make manual lists when we can just use Linkrolls?
Blog Styling options, Color pickers in blogs.
by ycc2106Sometimes you find several goodies in a row: I was fiddling around with CSS stylesheet switching when I came a cross blog Meme Network's blog, a very nice blog theme.
June 2006
May 2006
Sidebar expand/collapse sub-categories using javascript RSS/linkrolls
by ycc2106Hi justin, have you found you hide/show system? If yes I would love to see it. Finaly I wrote one myself as other were also asking. Tell me what you think, is it easy to understand?
April 2006
Why would you put a CC button on your blog?
by ycc2106Someone told me he didn't want to use it because it seemed arrogant.
Blogger vs MySpace, or how to to choose a blog.
by ycc2106Which to choose? This is just a simple explanation for the beginner bloggers.
WOW! Digg List Buzz: Stats
by ycc2106In less than 5 hours I have my stats have shooted up to over 850! no, 954 just now! Look:
March 2006
January 2006
(16 marks)