August 2005
March 2005
February 2005
December 2004
獨立媒體 (香港) :: 公民運動與媒體革命
by tsalonExcellent piece! Background info. on the rise of HK's Indymedia; its mission; critique of HK media; overview of blog culture in HK
November 2004
by tsalon國 內 網民 正 在 利 用 網 絡 媒 體的 非 中 心 性 、 個 人 自發 、 難 以 受 管 理 、 高速 等 特 點 , 努力 實 現言 論 自 由 與 民 主 , 與其 他 國 家 看 齊
獨立媒體 (香港) :: 博客精選
by tsalon博客blogger是新的網絡文化, 是一個把個人和社會政治連起來的空間, 在香港網上日誌還不是能流行, 希望可以透過精選一些blogger文章和建立連結來推廣這文化實踐.
October 2004
What is a alternative media? - a wikipedia teach-in
by tsalonContent production and marketing tactics, Writing style and editorial policy, Capability of production and networking, etc
余若薇、吳靄儀、湯家驊、梁家傑 on Radio-45
by tsalonLegality of Hong Kong's electoral system; public opinion on Hong Kong's democractic development; the ideals of democracy: serving public interest rather than locale interest...
September 2004 選民 Blog 、討論區
by tsalonnot really a blog, it's just a php-powered forum. Christine Loh "blogs" there everyday.
網‧政‧廿一 | epolitics
by tsalon"人民報導‧我做得到!" the site seeks to engage voters into voting and discussion of election-related affairs. provides RSS feed
香港民主發展網絡 Hong Kong Democratic Development Network
by tsalonpro-democracy think-tank, many academics / public intellectuals
新力量網絡 SynergyNet
by tsalonPolitical think-tank chaired by Anthony Cheung of HKU. Analyzes political platforms and not candidates.