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PUBLIC MARKS with tags Competition & mufest

31 August 2005 18:30


by ryanne
[wednesday, 02 march 2005] BEST WISHES TO ALL DIOCESAN MUSICIANS & ATHLETES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 雖然離開拔萃已經一年有餘, 我的心仍然緊緊與母校繫在一起!!!! 出乎其類.拔乎其萃 三月,是屬於您們的! 並嚴正抗議 SMSA

smc heats

by ryanne
[thursday, 03 march 2005] SMC TOMORROW fingers crossed*

mu fest recordings

by ryanne
[monday, 07 march 2005] playlist updated with recordings of music festival 2005! click the ZAP button on your left and enjoy :) *nostalgia* 01. DGS - Can You Hear (by James Papoulis) 02. DGS - Alleluia (by Randall Thompson) 02. DGS - Alleluia (

31 August 2005 18:15


by ryanne
[friday, 18 march 2005] DBGS DID IT. BEST BOYS CHOIR (DBS) BEST GIRLS CHOIR (DGS) BEST MIXED CHOIR (DBS + DGS) MOST OUTSTANDING SECONDARY CHOIR (DBS) 今年今日.三奪冠軍 音樂王國.唯我拔萃 !!!!!!!!! 最要感謝: Case

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Competition

art +   artist +   artists +   community +   contest +   culture +   design +   digital +   drawing +   gallery +   illustration +   nyc +   painting +   photo +   photography +   photoshop +  

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last mark : 31/08/2005 18:44