The Floating Gate
by YukuanBlog浮動閘(floating gate)一詞會讓我銘記於心,是因為閱讀了《矽眼》,該書提到以浮動閘紀錄類神經元突觸加權值,這是「類比」儲存的一個應用。然而,對多數內嵌系統設計人員來說,浮動閘是用在「數位」儲存的,諸如 EPROM, EEPROM, NOR flash, NAND flash 等。
Learn a new trick with the offsetof() macro
by YukuanMarkAlmost never used, the offsetof() macro can actually be a helpful addition to your bag of tricks. Here are a couple of places in embedded systems where the macro is indispensable—packing data structures and describing how EEPROM data are stored.
(2 marks)