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PUBLIC MARKS with tags EeePC & linux

February 2009

December 2008

Installation et paramétrage de OpenGEU sur EeePc - Génération Linux

by damdec
OpenGEU est une version de Ubuntu qui tourne avec l'interface graphique Enlightenment. Une version de OpenGEU a spécialement été développée pour le EeePc, elle se nomme Opengeeeu. Je vais vous expliquer comment installer et configurer cette distribution très simplement et le plus rapidement possible.

November 2008

September 2008

April 2008

March 2008

February 2008

eeeXubuntu [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki]

by lecyborg & 1 other
eeeXubuntu is a custom version of the Xubuntu 7.10 Live CD with fully-integrated hardware support, including native wireless drivers, functioning Ethernet support, tweaks for low-resolution desktop environments, and other miscellaneous fixes. Wherever possible, these changes are incorporated using custom .deb packages rather than spewing assorted files all over post-install. (Screenshot) The goal of this project is to maintain a easy-to-install Xubuntu Live CD image for the eeePC, allowing for a reliable base Xubuntu install. One strong advantage of development for the eeePC is a common hardware platform shared by all users. (Those who are missing a miniPCI slot may, of course, disagree.)

(eee)(x)Ubuntu sur eeePC !

by lecyborg
Retour d'expérience sur l'installation d'ubuntu sur eeePC

Install eeeXubuntu Linux on ASUS eeePC

by garibaldi76
Install eeeXubuntu Linux on ASUS eeePC

如何將 eeeXubuntu 裝在 EeePC 外接 SDHC卡 (USB隨身碟) 上?

by garibaldi76
How to install eeeXubuntu on SDHC (USB disk) ? (Trasditional Chinese)

November 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag EeePC

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