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PUBLIC MARKS with tag Erlang



Learn You Some Erlang for great good!

by jpcaruana
Hey there! This is Learn You Some Erlang for great good! This book is for you if you’ve got some programming experience and if you’re not too familiar with functional programming. It can still be useful if you’re too good for that, as we progressively go into more and more advanced topics. The book started as a free online guide, and you can still read it that way. If you prefer the soft touch of paper, the delicious smell of a real book, the possibility to physically hug a document, or just want to boast by padding your bookcase, you can buy a few copies too (and e-books are also available).



by jpcaruana
partage de fichier entre 2 utilisateurs : il faut laisser le navigateur ouvert après avoir donné le lien. rien ne reste sur le serveur


auser's alice at master - GitHub

by bamthomas & 1 other
As a queue server, RabbitMQ is super cool, but my company is hesitant to use it without a nice front-end or access to statistics about the server. So we set out to develop the latest RabbitMQ REST interface, Alice. Alice is a RESTful interface to the RabbitMQ server that talks directly through erlang's native interface, epmd. The purely RESTful server responds to the same interface as the RabbitMQ's command-line interface and presents a native HTTP interface to the data. Alice is written with Mochiweb.

{{ mustache }}

by jpcaruana & 4 others
Available in Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Erlang, PHP, Perl, Objective-C, Java, .NET, Android, C++, Go, Lua, ooc, ActionScript, ColdFusion, Scala, Clojure, Fantom, CoffeeScript, D, and for node.js. Works great with TextMate, Vim, Emacs, and Coda.


Reia Programming Language

by jpcaruana (via)
Reia is a Ruby-like scripting language for the Erlang virtual machine. Reia brings you the best of both worlds between Ruby's friendly syntax, reflection, metaprogramming, and the amazing power of blocks, and Erlang's immense abilities for concurrency, distribution, hot code swapping, and fault tolerance.

auser's alice at master - GitHub

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
As a queue server, RabbitMQ is super cool, but my company is hesitant to use it without a nice front-end or access to statistics about the server. So we set out to develop the latest RabbitMQ REST interface, Alice. Alice is a RESTful interface to the RabbitMQ server that talks directly through erlang's native interface, epmd. The purely RESTful server responds to the same interface as the RabbitMQ's command-line interface and presents a native HTTP interface to the data. Alice is written with Mochiweb.

Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!

by ghis & 1 other (via)
"This is the beginning of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! Reading this tutorial should be one of your first steps in learning Erlang, so let's talk about it a bit."

[erlang-questions] The Beauty of Erlang Syntax

by ghis
Interesting thought on Erlang and functional programming vs OO programming

Home - erjang - GitHub

by jpcaruana
Erjang is a virtual machine for Erlang, which runs on Java


Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!

by greut & 1 other

Oh Hello! Welcome to my guide to Erlang! This guide is intended to be read by beginners, but if you're average or somewhat advanced you can probably learn a few things too! If you're too good for that, please help me when you find errors; you can also send me suggestions at mononcqc at gmail dot com or find me on #erlang (under the nickname MononcQc). Also, check out my twitter! Good read to you!

osmos - Google Code

by jpcaruana (via)
Osmos provides on-disk ordered key-value tables for Erlang, based on a sort-merge machine with user-defined merging semantics. This allows a very high volume of updates to be handled efficiently while still supporting a variety of useful operations with transactional safety, e.g., adding to a counter, taking the union of sets, or simply replacing a record. Osmos is ideal for situations where updates are much more frequent than queries, for example, collecting statistics for reporting, and periodically generating reports.

flatula - Google Code

by jpcaruana
flatula is a simple "write-once" database for Erlang that provides an easy way to remember a piece of data, then look it up later using a compact identifier. See FlatulaHowTo for a brief introduction and tutorial.

mochiweb - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.

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