public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags GPX & sport


Calcul d'itinéraire (jogging, footing, course à pied, vélo...)

by philippej & 1 other

"... permet de calculer la distance totale, ainsi que le dénivelé, d'un parcours sportif effectué (jogging, footing, course à pied, vélo, roller...) en plaçant des points sur la carte."



by nhoizey (via)
TrailRunner is a route planning software for all kinds of long distance sports like running, biking, hiking, inline-skating, skiing and more. If you ever asked yourself how long your workout routes are and what route you should choose for this evening — then TrailRunner should be your training-partner.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag GPX

api +   geolocalisation +   gps +   plugin +  

Active users

last mark : 06/09/2009 17:36

last mark : 02/03/2007 09:19