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PUBLIC MARKS with tags GiftIdeas & fun




happy birthday card

by blackgoldfish
Mean birthday card. FRONT: I'm sorry I only got you a card for your birthday. INSIDE: Not really. You're lucky you got anything.

Marshall Alexander - Paper Engineer

by blackgoldfish & 4 others
"Lonely at work? Print, cut, and fold some friends for your desk."

Newlywed's New Tradition: Map of the World!

by blackgoldfish
Get together with your honey and plot out a world takeover with this DIY project!


by blackgoldfish
這篇教大家如何裡用旅行蒐集的地圖、票根再結合我們旅行所拍攝的影像作品, 製作出具有特別意義,又有獨特創意的「回憶旅行箱」。 準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片約10張 2. 盒子or 紙板(盒子可以找木片便當盒也可以是糖果盒) 3. 旅行地區地圖、DM 4. 色卡紙一張 5. 紙膠帶 or 重複黏貼黏土 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、相片膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


by blackgoldfish
準備材料: 1. 準備沖洗或列印好的4x6相片(3x5也可以但邊會有點鬆) 2. 下載繪製好的PDF版型 3. 準備一張有硬度的紙,磅數最好超過80磅的卡紙、素描紙,並裁切成A4大小 (因為要過印表機列印,請特別注意一下紙張厚度!) 4. 裝飾用的貼紙(39元商店或者文具店都有賣,對於手工不巧的人可以買這種現成的貼紙作輔助) 5. 透明片(文具行買賽路路片或者利用產品的透明包裝外盒) 準備工具: 1. 美工刀 2. 切割墊 3. 膠水、雙面膠 4. 鉛筆、橡皮擦


handmade card for kids

by blackgoldfish
"I think children really appreciate a handmade card, especially one that involves a lot of candy. And some money."

PingCard:台版 Moo個性化小卡名片

by blackgoldfish
「PingCard 團隊儘管在注意事項上提到,只要用超過 800*600 畫素以上的照片即可清晰成像,太大的相片反而會減緩上傳的速度」

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag GiftIdeas

baby +   custom +   recipe +   愛的小詩 +  

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last mark : 20/12/2011 06:31