public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags NewMedia & links

November 2006 Technology, blogs, the Internet and the media, from the Online News Association

by jlesage & 3 others
a news site about cyberjournalism, with many resources, such as roundup links to most cyberjournalist sites; a phenomenon being embraced by many news organizations themselves

Cyberstudies webring

by jlesage
collection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences

ArtLex on New Media

by jlesage
entry in big art site has many links and hypertext connections to trace out; useful

Philosophy and Contemporary Culture

by jlesage & 1 other
extensive links page for cultural studies, theory, web resources, major figures by a teacher

Video History Project: Resources - Collections & Distribution Links

by jlesage
documents video art and community television, as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and across the US

Word Circuits

by jlesage
"This is a place for poetry and fiction born to pixels rather than the page--writing that's digital down to its bones." An excellent resource with both online poetry, often Flash poetry, and other links.


by jlesage
information on the visual arts, performing arts, design, literature, music and film; short entries on major figures

Furtherfield Links

by jlesage
extensive set of links to digital art projects, grouped by themes and types

by jlesage
links to courses compiled by Karen Nakamura, who notes that most courses in Visual Anthropology teach visual analysis and not visual production

Gender Identity Panel - Resources

by jlesage
links to many interesting online hypertext, visually innovative works; some links no longer functional

October 2006

Tech Head Stories

by jlesage
big list of links for many aspects of digital storytelling; regularly updated

July 2006

Center for History and New Media - Syllabi

by jlesage & 1 other
searches 704,039 syllabi at the Center for History and New Media and over 500,000 syllabi via Google

June 2006

May 2006

Concrete Poetry: Links, Books, Indexes, and Info.

by jlesage
Dec. 05 update; the poem looks like the content, sometimes kinetic

dmozMedia Culture

by jlesage
Important links page, see also their suggested additional search areas

Active users

last mark : 27/11/2006 15:11