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PUBLIC MARKS with tags Obama & politics




Quantitative Analysis - Why Ferraro's Claims are Inaccurate

by democrattotheend
Much has already been said about Geraldine Ferraro’s controversial comments implying that Obama wouldn’t be where he is if he were white (or a woman). The purpose of this post is not to attack or defend her comments, but to test her hypothesis that Clinton has been hampered by her gender while Obama has been helped by his race by looking at the exit poll numbers for people who said that a candidate’s race or gender had any influence on their vote.

Obama defends 'liberal' label - First Read -

by soul1383
From NBC/NJ’s Aswini Anburajan AUSTIN, Texas -- In the shadow of the state capitol that provided the United States with one of the most conservative presidents in recent history, Obama last night railed against the charge that being "liberal" was a bad

Google Maps

by springnet
googles come up with the killer election map and it's full 'o tweeters

John Mccaint

by springnet
Look out Chuck Norris, Sylvester’s comin’ after you. He’s comin’ after you and he’s going to get you. You better run! Chuck, you can run but you can’t hide!” - John McCain

Paul Krugman: Debunking the Reagan Myth - SPIEGEL

by ravi
the furor over Barack Obama's praise for Ronald Reagan is not, as some think, overblown.


A Message from Barack | Obama Exploratory Committee

by soul1383
A Message from Barack Watch Barack's statement on forming a Presidential Exploratory CommitteeAs many of you know, over the last few months I have been thinking hard about my plans for 2008. Running for the presidency is a profound decision - a deci

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag Obama

acta +   communautez +   filtrage +   government +   internet +   neutralité+du+net +   pétition +   politique +   usa +   web +  

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