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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "Online Marketing Blog"

27 March 2007 11:30

Blog Engine Marketing Search

by bluelinerindia
Unique Visitors is one the most difficult common metrics to cheat on, but it too can easily be done by an unscrupulous webmaster with basic hacking skills and knowledge of certain Windows XP flaw (or access to a Trojan horse). By utilizing a group of “zombie computers” (computers that have been hijacked for malicious purposes) to all hit your websites—this could be hundreds or thousands of computers, depending on the resources you have at hand – and dramatically increase the number of overall unique visitors a site appears to have.

27 March 2007 11:15

Marketing Blog

by bluelinerindia
Whenever, we are speaking with a client one of the most difficult things we have to explain to them is the necessity and the importance of building links for ranking. Matt McGee over at Small Business SEM has written a great article explaining the importance of link building, and the difficulties that are inherent to the link building process.

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last mark : 27/03/2007 11:35