Yellow Lab Tools - Outil en ligne + logiciel libre : métriques sur la perfomance web
by dzc & 2 othersopen source project It lets you test a webpage (via an URL) and detects performance and front-end code quality issues.
This is done by loading the webpage via PhantomJS and collecting various metrics and statistics with the help of Phantomas. These metrics are categorized and transformed into scores. It also gives in-depth details so developpers can correct the detected issues.
A curated list of Web Performance Optimization (Awesome WPO - GitHub)
by dzc & 1 otherEveryone can contribute here ! Docs, Blogs, Talks, Analyzers, Analyzers API, Benchmark (CSS-JS), Bookmarklets, CDN, Image Optimizers, Loaders ...
How to Embed YouTube Videos without Increasing Page Load Time
by dzc (via)Instead of embedding the full Youtube video player, Google+ only displays the thumbnail of a YouTube video and then overlays a play icon over the video so the image resembles a video player.
bLazy.js – A lazy load image script | Hvem glor - din bror
by dzcbLazy is a lightweight lazy loading and multi-serving image script. It’s written in JavaScript why it doesn’t have any dependencies for 3rd party libraries like jQuery. bLazy is working in all modern browser including IE7+.
jQuery Unveil - lightweight plugin to lazy load images
by dzc & 1 otherLightway version of Lazy Load with support for serving
high-resolution images to devices with retina displays
JShrink (lib. php) : minifies javascript
by dzcJShrink is a php class that minifies javascript so that it can be delivered to the client quicker.
cssmin - A (simple) css minifie (PHP)
by dzcCssMin is a css parser and minfier. It minifies css by removing unneeded whitespace character, comments, empty blocks and empty declarations. In addition declaration values can get rewritten to shorter notation if available.
Browser Diet
by dzc & 2 othersHow to lose weight (in the browser)
And what if we got together a bunch of experts who work on large sites to create a definitive front-end performance guide?