May 2008
Useful Podcasts For Designers And Developers | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
by springnetcollection of podcasts that are either directly about web design, or would be helpful to a web designer
March 2008
next new networks: our networks
by springnetbarely political, viropop, fast lane, epic-fu with Zadi Diaz, and ultra kawaii
January 2008
Geek News Central Technical News and Informational Stories
by springnetI found some links today through a round about way that indicates that some podcasters may and I repeat “may” have found a way to game the Podcast Subscription Metric System Apple has.
12 Podcasts for the Creative Class
by springnetHere are 12 must-listen-to podcasts for creative knowledge workers--those entrepreneurial spirits who start and staff the most innovative, fast-growing companies.
December 2007
ITunes: Multiple libraries in iTunes 7
by springnetThe recently-released iTunes 7 has added the much wished-for ability to manage multiple music libraries, and the Klavr weblog points out how simple it is
March 2007
TalkShoe voice talk shows and discussion groups - Talkcasts
by springnet & 1 othertalk and chat live, host an interactive podcast business applications
February 2007
Podcasts | Cote’s Weblog
by redmonk radio, austin nag, podcast4u delicious tag
(9 marks)