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PUBLIC MARKS with tags access & database


Grouping by Memo field yields garbage

by ms_michel

Do not group by the Memo field. Instead choose First in the Total row under the memo field. This not only avoids the bug, and is much more efficient to execute, but it also allows JET to return the entire memo field instead of truncating it at 255 characters.

Impossible de groupe par mémo ou champs objet OLE dans Microsoft Query

by ms_michel

Microsoft Access ne peut pas regrouper en un champ Mémo ou un champ objet OLE dans une requête. En outre, la clause GROUP BY d'une instruction SQL ne peut pas inclure champs Mémo ou Objet OLE.


Database Tutorial and

by Mintolf & 2 others
Tutorials and articles about database programming and interface. Database topics include MS access, My SQL, Oracle, DB2, MS Sql, AND POSTGRESQL. It's a nice reference site for all kinds of DB-related programming.

Database Tutorial and

by Clichop & 2 others
Tutorials and articles about database programming and interface. Database topics include MS access, My SQL, Oracle, DB2, MS Sql, AND POSTGRESQL. It's a nice reference site for all kinds of DB-related programming.

Database Tutorial and

by sz2006 & 2 others
Tutorials and articles about database programming and interface. Database topics include MS access, My SQL, Oracle, DB2, MS Sql, AND POSTGRESQL. It's a nice reference site for all kinds of DB-related programming.

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