NVDA 2012 and accessible PDF tables
by MoniqueIt's no exaggeration to say that the recently released NVDA upgrade is a huge step forward for PDF accessibility. With respect to tables, NVDA now matches JAWS in almost every way that matters, and in some respects it is significantly better. NVDA is now a realistic alternative to JAWS.
Le Chal: A haptic feedback based shoe for the blind | Anirudh Sharma | touchaddict
by MoniqueLe-Chal is a way finding aid for the visually impaired that uses a language of vibrations, complementing their natural adaptations and extends their limitations.
WebAIM: Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility
by Monique & 1 otherIt is important to evaluate the accessibility of web content with a screen reader, but screen readers can be very complicated programs for the occasional user, so many people avoid them. This doesn't need to be the case. While screen readers are complicated, it is possible to test web content for accessibility without being a "power user."
Can Assistive Technology Make a Website Accessible? | Karl Groves
by MoniqueOne of the common misconceptions people tend to have about assistive technologies is that assistive technologies can “make things accessible”. The assumption in such cases seems based on an incomplete understanding of how assistive technologies work
WebAIM: Blog - Semantic Automation
by MoniqueSemantic automation is when user agents, such as browsers and screen readers, create meaning and relationships where the presented meaning and relationships are missing, ambiguous, or incorrect. In short, it’s applying algorithms to try and fix things that are probably broken. It’s computers guessing for good.
Testing the accessibility of the CSS generated content | cssgallery.info
by MoniqueThis article is about how screen readers speak the content added with CSS pseudo-elements :before and :after
What Frustrates Screen Reader Users on the Web: A Study of 100 Blind Users - International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
by MoniqueAccess to Electronic Books, a Comparative Review
by MoniqueThe aim of this article is to inform the reader about accessible services and how to gain access to them. Because some services require specific hardware for their access, we will provide limited descriptions of hardware.
How do you detect a screen reader? – Humanising Technology Blog
by MoniqueThe short answer is that you can’t. At the time of writing there isn’t a way to reliably detect whether someone visiting your site is using a screen reader (or screen magnifier). You might have heard that Flash will do the trick, but that might not be quite the solution you’re expecting.
Punkchip | Why we should support users with no Javascript
by MoniqueThe 2010 WebAIM Screen Reader Survey found that only 1.6% of screenreader users have no Javascript when browsing (compared to 10.4% the previous year) so that argument is wearing thin.
The Evolution of Assistive Technology into Everyday Products | Accessibility NZ
by MoniqueThis paper looks at some technologies and concepts used by people with disabilities, and how these technologies and ideas have grown from, or with assistive technology.
Setting up a screen reader test environment » iheni :: making the web worldwide
by Monique & 1 othersome tips to get you started when setting up a screen reader testing environment.
Camera Mouse
by Monique & 1 otherCamera Mouse is a free program that enables you to control the mouse pointer on your computer screen just by moving your head