public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ajax & network


Developer's Guide - AJAX Libraries API - Google Code

by camel
The AJAX Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular open source JavaScript libraries. By using the google.load() method, your application has high speed, globally available access to a growing list of the most popular JavaScript open source libraries.


Local Schools – The College Search and Social Community

by Dravis is more than a searchable directory of 3,400+ public and private colleges and universities in the United States. Not only can you find and research the perfect school for you and your career goals, you can also utilize the social networking features of the site to get the inside scoop from friends, current students or alumni. Read valuable information about schools, compare them side-by-side and request information from selected schools with ease. On you can: - Find, research and compare schools - Create your own personal profile page - Build a network of friends and save them beyond graduation - Save schools you’re interested in or have attended to your profile - Chat live or send private mail messages to friends - Speak your mind in the forums about school topics that are important to you Going to college is a social activity – looking for a college should be too.


BitTrees - Tree based social network

by f1alan
A social network based on trees where users can create, share and borrow content in the form of text, images, links or discussions.

voo2do : simple, beautiful web-based to-do lists

by slogoo & 52 others
你可以利用voo2do做到以下几点:# 组织计划任务# 跟踪时间并提醒# 通过email添加任务 # 发布任务# 像纸一样简单易用# 有好的AJAX界面# 提供API# 改进个人生产力

by slogoo & 6 others
Gada.be最近对URL结构进行了调整, 以让内容更好地倍搜索引擎收录. 这款基于tag的搜索引擎受到了很多人的关注, 很快成了网民进行研究搜索的工具站点, 特别在图片搜索领域!

Real-time Domain Search

by slogoo & 32 others
InstantDomainSearch, 这是一个能够即时快速搜索.com和.net域名注册情况的一个在线工具. 用户不需要按"回车"或点 "GO", 这个域名的注册情况就搜索出来了! 只有.com和.net的域名可以查询!

Glide Effortless ~ Discover the Magic of Compatibility and Integration

by slogoo & 12 others
Glide Effortless是一个可以上传各类文件的服务平台. 相片, MP3, 视频, 文字, PPT和PDF文件均可上传. 上传的用户可以对这些内容拥有完全的控制权, 文件一经上传, 系统就马上将其转换成在线的预览

TotoExpress™ - Securely send and receive large files online

by slogoo & 6 others
Totoexpress, 通过互联网为客户发送和接收大容量文件的安全有效的方法.

by slogoo & 27 others
e-messenger推出了基于Ajax的一项应用, 推出之后, emessenger看上去更像我们平常使用的IM的客户端(其实是纯web的), 虽然我们只要对Meebo的页面进行大小调节就能得到同样的视觉效果.


by slogoo & 18 others
Plum社会性书签网站, 与其他书签网站将书签存于网络不同, 该网站允许用户将书签存放在电脑本机.提供便捷的工具将书签的内容转换成blog的内容, 相册, feed等

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

by slogoo & 62 others

Active users

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last mark : 14/11/2007 04:40

last mark : 29/04/2007 22:22

last mark : 07/10/2006 08:28

last mark : 16/08/2006 08:53

last mark : 19/06/2006 00:18

last mark : 30/05/2006 02:13