public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "analyses foireuses"

January 2012

Daring Fireball Linked List: Sony, Too

by night.kame

Sony should no more abandon the point-and-shoot camera market than Apple should abandon the music-playing iPod market, but Sony has to recognize that it’s a business in decline and that the future is in putting better cameras into phones.

Nous dit le type qui n'a visiblement jamais eu un téléphone Sony-Ericsson dans les mains.

February 2010

The iPad Dispute (why you think don’t like it) « Mod that Mac

by night.kame

Before the iPhone, all we have come to know are mostly crappy phones with crappy OS’s and firmwares. The UI’s unimaginable and nearly unusable, and the screens too small.

C'est surtout qu'avant l'iPhone, les gens avaient honte d'être vus avec un bidule de la taille d'un PDA à l'oreille. Grâce à Apple, le gros bling-bling est revenu à la mode.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "analyses foireuses"

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last mark : 31/01/2012 22:30