jQuery API Update: offline and anywhere
by nhoizeyLa doc d'API de jQuery maintenant disponible offline dans une appli AIR !
Integrate your PHP application with Google Calendar
by nhoizeyGoogle Calendar allows Web application developers to access user-generated content and event information through its REST-based Developer API. PHP's SimpleXML extension and Zend's GData Library are ideal for processing the XML feeds generated by this API
Sortie de la JSR286 - Version 2 de l'API Portlet Java
by nhoizeyCette nouvelle version apporte le support des événements (une portlet peut envoyer ou recevoir des évènements), une gestion des paramètres publics pouvant être partagée entre différentes portlets (Public parameter renderer), le "resource serving"
XTech 2008: Advanced OAuth Wrangling — IDEAlliance
by nhoizeyOAuth is poised to be one of most important new standards in 2008. A simple standardization of delegated token auth, OAuth makes it straightforward to offer and consume APIs for a class of data under represented in the current set of API offerings—data
Official Google Data APIs Blog: 3. 2. 1. Contact. The API has landed
by nhoizey & 1 otherWe're happy to announce the availability of our Google Contacts Data API that gives programmatic access to your contact list. The contact list is shared among Google applications like Gmail, Reader, Calendar, and more.
InfoQ: Hypermedia in RESTful applications
by nhoizeyFlickr's current approach of requiring that clients possess Flickr-specific knowledge in order to progress from one application state to another, is simply another way of saying that they have a proprietary application model. Not only is it proprietary th
Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs
by nhoizey & 2 othersMicrosoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
OAuth, un nouveau standard à surveiller de près | Simple Entrepreneur
by nhoizey & 2 othersun tout nouveau standard libre dont le but est de proposer un protocole sécurisé d’authentification et d’accès à une API
by nhoizeyLa chaîne YouTube des sessions de présentation des Google Developer Days, pour tout savoir sur les API et mashups possibles avec les outils Google
Book excerpt: Framework Design Guidelines
by nhoizey (via)Chapter 4 of Framework Design Guidelines, titled "Type Design Guidelines," presents patterns that describe when and how to design classes, constructs and interfaces. In this chapter, Abrams and Cwalina divide types into four groups and discuss the do's and don'ts of type design.
Download the chapter here.
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