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PUBLIC MARKS with tags api & opensource


💬 COVID19 - STOPCOVID (repose sur la protocole ROBERT) - « Contact tracing » : Bruno Sportisse, PDG d’Inria, donne quelques éléments pour mieux comprendre les enjeux | Inria

by decembre
Messieurs Olivier Véran et Cédric O, ont annoncé le 8 avril 2020 qu’un travail était mené pour construire le prototype d’une application française, STOPCOVID, dans le cadre d’une stratégie globale de déconfinement. Le leadership du projet, qui associe acteurs publics et privés, a été confié à Inria. La France participe, au travers d’Inria, à l’initiative PEPP-PT aux côtés d’équipes allemandes, italiennes et suisses. Les équipes d’Inria publient aujourd’hui, conjointement avec nos partenaires du Fraunhofer, le protocole ROBERT - pour ROBust and privacy-presERving proximity Tracing – qui représente l’état de l’art de nos réflexions sur l’architecture technique d’une application de « contact tracing » respectueuse des valeurs européennes. Ce protocole est disponible sous Github comme les pratiques scientifiques standard le veulent. Ce texte a vocation à expliquer en des termes compréhensibles par tous ce que contient ce protocole, mais surtout les présupposés et l’esprit dans lequel il a été conçu. Il est important, dans l’urgence qui caractérise les circonstances exceptionnelles que nous vivons, de faire le point, sereinement, sur un sujet difficile, qui brasse des dimensions multiples. Afin de poser le cadre, il me semble utile de commencer par rappeler ce qu’une application qui reposerait sur ce protocole n’est pas, eu égard aux interrogations légitimes qui s’expriment et aux confusions qui peuvent avoir lieu.


OCTO talks ! » Créer un écosystème ouvert ?

by claire_
Les grands acteurs de l’Internet font souvent le “pari de la confiance” en proposant des API ouvertes, accessibles depuis le Web. Ces APIs permettent à d’autres acteurs, entreprises ou développeurs indépendants, d’innover en les exploitant, et d’inventer de nouveaux modèles économiques.


SyntaxHighlighter - Alex Gorbatchev

by ycc2106
SyntaxHighlighter helps developers to display code on their website. SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.

urlShort - Open Source URL Shortener

by ycc2106
* All URL data contained in a MySQL database, making it easy to back up and manage.\n * Automatic installation and easy customization.\n * Simple and clean interface for both user and administration functions.\n * Full API to allow other services and websites to interact with your short URL service.\n * URL preview functionality keeps your users safe, and lets them know where they're going.\n * Inline media embeds provide quick access to MP3, FLV, or image files.\n * Ability to choose custom short names/aliases for personalized and identifiable short URLs.\n * Cross-platform and cross-browser appearance.\n * 100% free and open source - Do whatever you want with it, no catches.

Open Web Analytics - Web Analytics – Open Source Web Analytics Framework

by ycc2106 & 3 others
The Open Web Analytics (OWA) framework provides a generic set of PHP and HTTP APIs that application developers can use to integrate web analytics into any application. The Framework also has built-in support for popular web applications such as WordPress and MediaWiki.

2008 : About

by Spone
DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to make sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data.

Facebook Developers | Resources

by catalonestudio & 1 other
Facebook has been developed from the ground up using open source software, and we are proud to give back to the open source community through various open source projects.



by franckmahon
Open source projects to bridge between Facebook and OpenSocial

Who's Using It? - OpenSocial - Google Code

by springnet
bebo, currenttv, friendster, imeem, myspace, netvibes, ning, orkut, paypal, plaxo, slide, xing, etc. are all opensocial launch partners

api: Project Home

by pvergain
The API project provides an entry point in the world of from a developers perspective. offers a language independent application programming interface (API) which allows to program the office in different programming languages (e.g. C , Java, Python, CLI, StarBasic, JavaScript, OLE). It allows to use as service provider in other applications, extend it with new functionality or simply customize and control The popularity of the standardized (OASIS and ISO/IEC 26300) Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) is growing. This also drives the popularity of office in general. Corporate users often demand the integration of office productivity into existing workflows and applications. They also often require additional functionality or special customizations of the existing features. And that is one of the main goals of the API project. Provide the possiblitly to customize or control the office that it fits well in your existing environment or fullfill your special requirements. Software Development Kit SDK logo There is also a Software Development Kit (SDK) available which is an add-on for an existing It provides the necessary tools and documentation for programming the APIs and creating your own extensions (UNO components) for If you are interested in programming, you can download the SDK. The API is based on UNO (Universal Network Objects) and consists of a wide range of interfaces defined in a Corba-like IDL. While the component technology determines how the components or applications communicate with each other and how the API is accessed from specific programming languages, the API defines the interface for accessing office functionality independently from certain programming languages. Get a first impression of the design goals or get a detailed description of the API and their concepts from the Developer's Guide and/or in the IDL reference. Code Snippets: If you search a quick answer to any API related question please visit our Code Snippet Base. And if you like this kind of knowledge base you are welcome to help us to improve and to extend this code snippet collection (see how to contribute). What's new The ease of use of an API depends firstly on the API itself and secondly how well it is supported by development tools. We have started two projects to provide better tools support for the API in the two main open source Java development IDEs NetBeans and Eclipse. You can find more detailed information about the NetBeans integration in the OO wiki where you can also download the plugin. Visit & Eclipse for information about the Eclipse plugin. We have started an API Wiki where we will provide additional information in the future. The Wiki is growing fast and in fact of the easy access (instead of cvs) we will provide more and more information there. Currently we are evaluating the transmission of the Developer's Guide into the Wiki to open the guide for translation and for faster and easier writing of new or changing of existing chapters. Stay tuned for further announcments of this!


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clevermarks +   design +   interface +   layout +   patterns +   prototyping +  

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