Getting To Know Alloy (Part One) « Appcelerator Developer Center
by Xavier LacotTony Lukasavage presents alloy during CodeStrong 2012
Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap
by Xavier LacotA long blog post by Kevin Whinnery, which explains how Titanium and Phonegap differ
Advanced Titanium Tutorial – Bonjour Networking | cssgallery.info
by Xavier LacotA Bonjour Networking tutorial, using Titanium...
dawsontoth/Appcelerator-Titanium-Redux - GitHub
by Xavier LacotTitanium Redux is a js library which helps write less code when developing an Appcelerator Titanium-powered mobile application. It adds support for JSS, localization, global includes, default properties, and more.
xavierlacot/joli.js - GitHub
by Xavier Lacotjoli.js is an Activerecord-like javascript ORM, particularly suited for being used in the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework.
iPad-Controlled Blimp Schmoozes With Partygoers
by Xavier LacotUn petit dirigeable piloté par un Ipad. Une application faite avec Titanium en 3 semaines de développement.
(7 marks)