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23 August 2007 21:45

The Geronimo renegade: The exodus from JBoss to Apache Geronimo

by holyver (via)
Now that Apache Geronimo has earned Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4 certification and has reached version 1.1.1, many developers will be moving away from building their software on top of more restrictive platforms. Specifically, there have been a number of articles and tutorials written lately describing migrating away from the JBoss application server to Apache Geronimo. This installment of The Geronimo renegade column describes many advantages of doing so.

16 October 2006 22:00 - Wiki - TomcatStandalonevsEmbedded

by holyver
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Tomcat embedded inside of JBoss Application Server versus running Tomcat independently?

12 October 2006 20:45

Servlet Performance Report

by holyver & 1 other
The Servers * Apache Tomcat 5.0.25 * IronFlare Orion 2.0.2 * MortBay Jetty 4.2.20 * Caucho Resin 3.0.8 * IBM WebSphere 5.1 * Macromedia JRun 4 (update 3)

12 October 2006 20:30

Fronting Tomcat with Apache or IIS - Best practices

by holyver (via)
Running cluster of Tomcat servers behind the Web server can be demanding task if you wish to archive maximum performance and stability. This article describes best practices how to accomplish that.

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last mark : 23/08/2007 21:47