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PUBLIC MARKS with tags appserver & tomcat

17 October 2006 - JBoss Application Server

by holyver & 1 other
JBoss Application Server is the #1 most widely used Java application server on the market. A J2EE certified platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications, and Portals, JBoss Application Server provides the full range of J2EE 1.4 features as well as extended enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence.

Jboss dévoile son middleware orienté message open source ainsi qu'un serveur web - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

by holyver (via)
Jboss persiste et signe dans sa stratégie de harcèlement des géants du Middleware. Hier, l'éditeur a dévoilé Jboss Messaging, son nouveau serveur de messages et Jboss Web son serveur Web dérivé d'Apache. Les deux logiciels seront des composants essentiels de son prochain serveur d'application attendu pour le second semestre.

16 October 2006 - Wiki - TomcatStandalonevsEmbedded

by holyver
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Tomcat embedded inside of JBoss Application Server versus running Tomcat independently?

15 October 2006

Tomcat FAQ - Cluster

by holyver
This page discusses cluster- and clustering-related questions. Please make sure to read the Clustering HowTo page in the main Tomcat documentation bundle as well.

12 October 2006

Fronting Tomcat with Apache or IIS - Best practices

by holyver (via)
Running cluster of Tomcat servers behind the Web server can be demanding task if you wish to archive maximum performance and stability. This article describes best practices how to accomplish that. - Wiki - TomcatClustering

by holyver & 1 other
Including a comparaison: JBoss Tomcat Clustering versus Apache Tomcat Clustering

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag appserver

architecture +   bea +   cluster +   server +   weblogic +  

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last mark : 17/10/2006 23:22