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PUBLIC MARKS with tags as3 & air



TP-PolyTweet.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

by dzc (via)
Client Twitter - PolyTweet I. Objectifs: * créer une application Adobe AIR * mettre en place une architecture logicielle type MVC * modéliser une interface * utiliser lʼAPI REST de Twitter à lʼaide dʼHTTPServices * découverte des Renderers * mettre en place des états dans lʼinterface * animer lʼinterface



SWF Parser (AIR application) | blog

by ronpish (via)
Simple, but useful tool to copy image resources from your SWF files.

Uza’s Blog & More » About

by ronpish
My name is Paulius Uza, I am an Actionscript / Apollo developer from Kaunas, Lithuania. This is my personal space where I will share my thoughts on user interface design and interactive web and desktop applications. In this blog I focus mostly on Adobe’s Flash Player and Adobe AIR runtime and also provide source code and applications for download.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag as3

3d +   3ds +   actionscript +   adobe +   air +   ajax +   api +   as2 +   blog +   capture +   cheatsheet +   class +   color +   community +   couleurs +   css +   design +   experimental +   flash +   flash8 +   flashBlogFr +   flex +   framework +   graphisme +   interface +   javascript +   kuler +   lab +   livedoc +   macromedia +   makemepulse +   music +   mxml +   php +   php5 +   player +   png +   processing +   snipets +   tool +   tuto +   video +   web +   wordpress +   xhtml +   zip +   原始檔 +   技術文件 +   酷站 +  

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