public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags audio & twitter




by springnet & 1 other
What has been listened to and shared today no Twitter . . .

Push My Follow » A podcast about social media and other things

by springnet
@pushmyfollow Michael Gaines @istarman - Joe Cascio @joec0914 - Eric Rice @spin - Christine Cavalier @purplecar - Sarah Vela @orchid8 - Ann Boccio @banannie7 podcast about twitter and socialnets ... recommended

Utterz - Get Started

by springnet
With Utterz, you can instantly share your news by creating a multi-media posting in voice, video, picture and text, right from your mobile phone, or online. It's fast and simple, free, and works with every phone, on every carrier.


TwitterGram: Home

by springnet & 1 other
A TwitterGram has a title and a small MP3 file. The title explains the gram, it must be no longer than 75 characters, to allow room for the URL of the MP3, which is about 50 characters.

Active users

last mark : 04/12/2009 09:50

last mark : 04/02/2009 18:09

last mark : 31/05/2008 13:12