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PUBLIC MARKS with tags avr & electronique


HD44780 Library

by JJL
HD44780 Library - avr freaks

AVR-GCC libraries: LCD library

by JJL
Basic routines for interfacing a HD44780U-based text LCD display.

mega-isp - In System Programmer using the AVR Mega8 - Google Project Hosting

by JJL (via)
In System Programmers based on the AVR Mega8 chip, including Arduino(tm) Avrisp protocol firmware (includes support for fuses and locks).


simavr - Gitorious

by JJL (via)
simavr is a new AVR simulator for linux, or any platform that uses avr-gcc. It uses avr-gcc own register definition to simplify creating new targets for supported AVR devices.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag avr

diy +   electronics +   gadget +   MCU +   project +   rf +   wireless +  

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last mark : 04/07/2011 13:24