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PUBLIC MARKS with tags bd & animation




Chienne d'histoire

by fotopol
Dessins de Thomas Azuelos, dessinateur,Auteur de BD, dessinateur d'un film primé à Cannes en, Quelques peintures et dessins de Thomas Azuélos qui ont servi de base au travail de Fred Tribolet (compositing) et de Jimmy Audoin (animation).

:: Chico & Rita :: | Love is a song you never forget

by sbrothier
Cuba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey – in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero – brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood and Las Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds to unite in music and love.



This American Life, animation by Chris Ware

by gregg & 1 other
Chris Ware has created another wonderful animation for the television version of “This American Life”. The animation is featured in episode 6 of the second season, “Every Marriage Is a Courtroom”, which debuts on June 1st.


Prima Linea Productions : Fears of the dark

by sbrothier
Les enfants ont peur du noir, mais beaucoup d’adultes aussi ! L’obscurité empêche de voir, on peut alors se convaincre de la présence de bêtes, d’insectes ou de tous êtres malveillants. Dans le langage populaire, on a des idées noires, on vit dans une misère noire ou encore nous avons de noirs pressentiments… Cette sensation d’inquiétude rattachée au noir remonte à la nuit des temps. Blutch, Charles Burns, Marie Caillou, Pierre di Sciullo, Jerry Kramsky, Lorenzo Mattotti, Richard McGuire, Michel Pirus, Romain Slocombe, remontant le fil de leurs terreurs, ont accepté d’animer leurs dessins et de leur insuffler avec leur style unique le rythme de leurs cauchemars.

Chris Ware animation for The American Life TV show

by sbrothier & 2 others (via)
This cartoon is about schoolkids who started making fake video cameras out of card board boxes and toilet paper tubes to "film" incidents around the schoolyard. Because they had these phony cameras to hide behind, they distanced themselves from each other, losing their concern for the wellbeing of their fellow students. The school administration responded by banning the cameras. It's a perfect story for Ware to animate.

"L'Épinard de Yukiko", Frédéric Boilet et Fred Boot

2001 ou 2002. Adaptation (extrait) du manga de Boilet paru en 2001 chez "Ego comme X"



hurlante nova mag 10 : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova & 2 others
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

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