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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "blog tools"

February 2007

July 2006 - Webmaster Tools

by feision for Webmasters and Bloggers Add a novel element to your site or blog: Webmaster Tools. It's an easy way to integrate definitions, explanations and fast facts from reliable sources into your site content. With that kind of direct access to over three million topics, your site will not only be a great read, but an enriching resource. The free tools below are simple to incorporate and save time you'd normally spend explaining acronyms, jargon, or other terms that typically break the flow of writing... all that while spicing up your visitors' experience.

Mozilla Taiwan 討論區: [推薦套件]Performancing-在FF上發表blog

by feision
用 WP 和 MT 架設的網站也可以選擇下面的 Custom 來設定。 另外 樂多日誌好像有支援 XMLRPC 的樣子,應該也可以用 MT Custom ========= 如果有人試出了怎樣用custon模式支援樂多或是其他國內blog站台,麻煩請提供出來,我也想知道。 ========== 樂多的話,選 Custom Blog>Movable Type 在位址列中輸入: ,然後在下個畫面打入你的帳號密碼就OK啦~

performancing | kzeng's stupid words

by feision

Performancing for Firefox |

by feision & 23 others
Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox * Works with all major blog software * Easy WYSIWYG Editing * Trackback, Technorati and support

WB Editor the desktop blogging tool

by feision & 3 others (via)
WB Editor 2 is the second generation of the desktop blogging tool. The re-engineered user interface brings more blogging fun. With WB Editor plugins, it also brings more power to your blogging life style

Drupal Taiwan | 繁體中文支援站

by feision & 1 other
Drupal Taiwan是 Drupal 的繁體中文支援站。Drupal是一套開放源碼的內容管理平台,擁有多種實用的功能,可以用來建置從個人網誌到大型網路社群等各種類型的網站。 簡介: 關於Drupal | 好用功能 | 繁體中文網站秀 | Demo


by feision
用博客理念解決知識管理的難題 作者:出處:天極網 [ 2005-09-23 15:40 ] 摘要:將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。   泛微的知識管理專家認為目前的知識管理存在著一系列的雷區,包括:搜索不充分,難以發現相關的知識;難以保持更新;不知道自己不知道的東西(缺乏專家引導) ;拒絕共享;難以保證質量,積累垃圾信息;使用存在障礙;容易對系統中的信息產生不信任感;喜歡「閉門造車」等。一致認為必須引進新的知識管理工具—博客。而博客技術能夠克服傳統知識管理的缺陷,滿足復雜知識環境下的需要,該技術具有靈活性和真正的「平民性」。因此,將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。


by feision
小舖的blog是用.Text的系統, 而.Text有支援MetaWeblog的功能, 所以可以允許使用其他的blog工具來新增blog日誌, 而MetaWeblog並不是走Web Service的規格, 所以不能直接用.net中"加入web參考"來新增這樣的服務, 而MetaWeblog用的則是xml-rpc的規格, RPC的全名為Remote Procedure Calling, 而xml-rpc主要是以xml為資料交換格式. 想要直接試試看藍色小舖部落格的MetaWeblog的話, 可以用下面的方式試試. 不過,要先準備netcat.

Zoundry - User Guide

by feision
Blog Platform Account Type API Used Endpoint URL and notes Blogger Atom URL not required. File upload and categories are not supported. (Need FTP to host images.) MSN Spaces MSN Spaces XML-RPC URL not required. File upload is not supported. (Need FTP to host images.). MSN Spaces allows only one category per post. Post entry date and time can not be set to a future date and time. MSN Spaces will always use the current date and time in this case. Typepad Atom URL not required. Supports fileupload. WordPress WordPress XML-RPC The URL to the xmlrpc.php. For example, Supports fileupload. (File upload should be enabled via WordPress Admin page).

Zoundry: Write - Link - Tag - Post

by feision & 10 others
Whether you're a beginner or active blogger, Zoundry helps you do more with your weblog: Recommend products. Drop in pictures. Tag your posts. Earn cash rewards for yourself or charities when readers buy from your recommendations. Supported Platforms Supported Platforms Atom API Typepad Atom API MovableType xml-rpc MetaWeblog xml-rpc LiveJournal LJ xml-rpc Blogger v1 xml-rpc Blogger v2 xml-rpc


by feision
Z-Blog之XML-RPC接口(远程发布功能)测试下载 2005-9-30 11:27:14 很早之前就有人建议过Z-Blog支持MetaWeblog API,我也一直想加入这个功能,MT、WP这样的系统一直都有这个功能。因为对BlogAPI及MetaWeblog不太熟悉,加之中文资料较少,也迟迟未能动工。终于在十一之前,决心把这个接口好好做一下,真正制作时才发现其实并没什么很难的地方,刚开头的确让人摸不着头脑,理顺思路再看看API介绍就上路了。 在Blog中实现XML-RPC的标准不少,BlogAPI功能太弱,MoveableType的扩展又太多,还是MetaWeblog比较合适,WB Editor和BlogJet都有这方面的支持,所以在Z-Blog实现XML-RPC接口主要是以MetaWeblog为主,最好可以兼容MT。 下面就主要讲一下如何在WB Editor 2.0中配置并使用Z-Blog的远程发布功能:

BlogApi: post from blog tools |

by feision (via)
BlogApi: post from blog tools Drupal 4.6 · Drupal 4.7 The blog API module enables a post to be posted to a site via external GUI applications. Many users perfer to use external tools to improve their ability to read and post responses in a customized way. The blog api provides users the freedom to use the blogging tools they want but still have the blogging server of choice. When this module is enabled and configured you can use programs like Ecto to create and publish posts from your desktop. Blog API module supports several XML-RPC based blogging APIs such as the Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, and most of the Movable Type API. Any desktop blogging tools or other services (e.g. Flickr's "post to blog") that support these APIs should work with this site.

The Sect of Homokaasu - The Gematriculator

by feision & 6 others (via)
The Gematriculator is a service that uses the infallible methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.


by feision
BLOG相關教學蒐集: # CSS語法教室: # CSS標準語法大整理: # CSS樣式結構表: # 配色寶典:


by feision
再貼三個可以放在分類的時間圖案 slk230 - 新手必看教學๑۩ | 2005-06-25 13:32:14 鼓勵此網誌:0  推薦這個部落格: 1660 若無圖代表監控連線中斷 還有一堆~~~慢慢選吧

Free Weather Stickers for Your Homepage! : Weather Underground

by feision
特點: Wunder 相片 NEXRAD 雷達 地域雷達 擴大或縮小衛星雲圖 圖片 Trip Planner 熱帶性低氣壓 海洋 惡劣天氣近況 天文 滑雪 教育 Blogs 喜愛 Personal Weather Stations Email: Password: clear clear clear clear clear Print This Page Print This Page Forecast Flyer Forecast Flyer 地圖 United States 溫度 高溫指數 風寒指數 濕度 露點 風 能見度 噴射氣流 國際 美國 加拿大 墨西哥 中美洲 南美洲 亞洲北部 亞洲南部 歐洲 澳洲 非洲 島嶼國家 南極洲 Information Need Help? Link to Us About Us Custom Weather Newspaper Weather Advertising Vacation Deals # Save On Vacation Condo Rentals # Save money with Timeshare rentals Sungshan Condos and Vacations Condominiums for sale, for rent, and vacation rentals # Las Vegas Condos # Orlando Vacation # Web Directory # Sungshan Condos Sungshan Singles # Find A Local Date # Meet Older Singles In Your Area Bodybuilding Supplements # Cheap supplements # Bodybuilding forums Online deals! # Weight Loss # Cortislim Internet Mall # Sungshan Car Insurance # Sungshan Broadband Service Providers # Sungshan Vacation Rentals # Bariatric Surgery Sungshan # Sungshan Car Rentals # Magnets # Sungshan Tummy Tuck # Sungshan Vacation # DSL Service Providers Sungshan # Sungshan Payday Loans # Cosmetic Surgery Sungshan # Sungshan Plastic Surgery # Sungshan Online Dating # Sungshan Hotels # Taiwan Homeowners Insurance Internet Shopping # Sungshan Timeshares # Sungshan Internet Service # Liposuction Sungshan # Sungshan DSL # Internet Providers Sungshan # Sungshan Foreclosures # Sungshan Real Estate # Medical Billing Software # Health Insurance Taiwan # Fredericksburg Virginia Real Estate # RV - Recreational Vehicles Internet # Sungshan Vacation Packages # Incorporation Taiwan # Sungshan Life Insurance # Sungshan Personal Injury Attorney # Taiwan Bankruptcy Canadian Pharmacy # Canada Pharmacy # Canada Drugs Health # Weight Training and Bodybuilding # Women's Workout Information College Students # Fraternity # Sorority # Puerto Escondido Google Search Search the Net! Powered by Google l3b14 Jul 26 2006 15:00:44 Free Weather Stickers® for Your Homepage! We have cooked up some fun dynamic images for you to put on your homepage. In return, all we ask is that you link the image to our site. Here's How it Works: 1. Click on any Weather Sticker® 2. Copy the HTML code on the resulting page 3. Paste it onto your page


by feision
上傳你電腦裡面的影音到網路空間...... 先到此免費申請空間( 需是中華電信ADSL用戶 ) 1箭頭~04 申請新的日誌---然後進入 [ 建立日誌 ] 的編輯畫面 依序


by feision
免費申請在線人數器... 線上訪客人數申請網址 按此連結 Now Visitor 進入申請頁面


by feision
到信箱點擊信中的網路連結 填寫個人資料Edit Profile ( interest 和 how did you hear about stickam 的選項一定要勾選 )

海潮之歌:Performancing -- Bloggers必備的Firefox套件

by feision
Performancing -- Bloggers必備的Firefox套件 Performancing for Firefox毫無疑問的,Firefox乃2005年最紅的網路瀏覽器,在坊間電腦雜誌裡,每個月都能看到關於它的介紹,這些報導清一色也會順便談及部份好用的擴充套件,以充篇幅,甚至還有將一堆擴充套件打包好,讓初學者下載安裝一次完成。 我並不贊同初次接觸Firefox就裝擴充套件,Firefox能在Mozilla系列脫穎而出,是因為脫掉臃腫的外衣,恢復Gecko成像引擎該有的速度及穩定性,才博得眾人的眼光,若裝上過多擴充套件,豈不是又走回頭路。擴充套件不是不能裝,但應有所選擇,真正常用再裝,以減輕系統負荷。畢竟它只是上網的工具,何必弄得像萬花筒一般

Blog Backup, Blog Publisher, Blog Tool/Utility, Blog to PDF book, Blogger - BlogCollector

by feision
BlogCollector®: Backup your blog. Publish your blog into a book! Quick links: Demos | Download | Upgrade Backup Your Blog Before It is too Late: You have spent a lot of time as well as effort to keep running a successful blog. We know your ideas, your stories, and your thoughts are priceless. Wouldn't it be a disaster that one day all your blog entries are gone due to a hack attack or hardware failure on your blogging service provider? Use BlogCollector to backup all your blogs before it is too late. Publish Your Blog into a Book: Guess what, many people do not feel comfortable to read blogs! They prefer classic elegant books. To reach these audience, you can publish your blog into a book with BlogCollector. And do not forget to print out one copy for Grandma. It's easy, and it's FREE!: You can use the Lite version FREE of charge. Also you might want to upgrade to a higher version for more features.

February 2006

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last mark : 02/02/2007 02:08

last mark : 31/07/2006 18:45

last mark : 16/02/2006 03:00