December 2005
A New Blog Navigation System
a faster, more enjoyable way to read long blog pages. test drive the navigation bar
November 2005
Loud Thinking Blog ~David Heinemeier Hansson
Best Hacker of the Year - a partner in 37signals, I helped transform the venerable design shop into a product company. Basecamp, Backpack, and Ta-da List are all applications launched since the shift came into effect in February 2004. I did the programmi
Web Graphics Blog
a compilation of hypertext design resources, links, and commentary.
Google Maps Mania Blog
An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, ideas and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
Dan Bricklin Blog
thoughts on making web sites, the computer industry, digital photography, PC history, conferences I attend, and people I know or run into.
CrunchNotes Blog
an informal collection of thoughts on Web 2.0, written by Michael Arrington. It is a companion blog to TechCrunch.
![]( - Community plumbing - an open source content management platform - can support a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites.
content management systems - blogs - collaborative authoring environments - forums - newsletters - picture galleries - file uploads and download
October 2005
journal | Lisa McMillan dot com : It's all about standards.
web developer, teacher, designer, geek and gadget junkie.
September 2005
July 2005
blosxom home - the zen of blogging
a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application - simple, straightforward, minimalist Perl affording even the dabbler an opportunity for experimentation and customization.
(13 marks)