March 2010
YouTube - Bokken Techniques Obata
by TakwannOne Man teaching a man another man swordsmanship kinda cool a bit long though
Don't know where I got this
December 2008
AIKIBATTO aikido sword exercises - Aikiken
by TakwannAikibatto is a system of sword exercises, both Aikiken style bokken with partner and iaido style solo training with iaito or shinken, for learning how to handle the sword in an aiki way.
YouTube - Principes d'aïkido - Malcolm Tiki Shewan (Trailer)
by TakwannDans ce film, Tiki Shewan sensei présente des techniques de base de bokken (kesagiri, kiriage, kirikaeshi, etc.) appliquées aux mouvements de taijutsu. Il explique aussi l'importance d'une posture juste (shizentai) ainsi que d'une prise correcte de garde (kamae).
(3 marks)