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PUBLIC MARKS with tags book & transducer

18 January 2006 08:00

The Silicon Eye

by YukuanBlog
在〈The fitness of things〉文末提到的《矽眼》,我這個月初在網路上得知此書,於 8 號溜到政大書城購買,當天就熬夜將它閱讀完畢、畫上重點、附上書籤。原本想個評介的,想想還是把我批註的部份整理整理,將內文摘錄摘錄就好:

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album +   albums +   art +   bookbinder +   books +   cd +   celtic +   charmed +   clasp +   coffee +   corners +   cover +   cross +   crosses +   diaries +   diary +   dragon +   dragons +   endpapers +   gift +   goth +   gothic +   grimoire +   grimoires +   handbound +   handmade +   jase +   jases +   jewellery +   jewelry +   journals +   l +   photography +   table +   wedding +  

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last mark : 19/01/2006 06:24