public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags bookmarks & blogging

January 2008

Scripted Re-Mark - Batch Editor for Bookmarks

by springnet & 2 others
manage your bookmarks stored at one hit batch mode re-tag bookmarks en masse, make wholesale changes to URLs or update descriptions in bulk. toggle public/private sharing settings and mass delete bookmarks.

May 2007

CleverClogs: OnePipe : the Single-Button Generic Feed Filtering Bookmarklet

by springnet
pointers and tips related to desktop and web alert services, news readers and personal productivity

April 2007


by auction
Welkom op Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris . Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-regelement-flat geeft u uit diverse bronnen actueel nieuws en links op het gebied van huishoudelijke-regelement-flat. Zo toont Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-re

January 2007

December 2006


by soul1383 & 2 others
Say Anything Anywhere.

November 2006

Bookmarkz! The Cut and Paste Social Bookmarking Solution!

by maitrewong & 1 other
Bookmarkz vous propose de vous créez le code HTML à insérer dans vos sites ou blogs pour que vos visiteurs puissent Bookmarker votre billet sur le nombre de site de Bookmark que vous choisirez parmi une liste de 94 sites de gestion de bookmark

October 2006

Riggin' the Diggin' - Spam for All

by wordyeti
The rise of sites such as Spike the Vote means that the future looks bleak for Digg - or for sites such as this ... so do we have to give up our anonymity on the web - or do we resign ourselves to a future where we have to grit our teeth through an unending avalanche of spam?

September 2006

Affilimedia Bookmarks

by Ronny & 1 other
Tagg your Favorits with Affilimedia social bookmark host!

XW24 Blogging

by Ronny
Some people were upset with being told to take those specific days off. Most understood the reasoning for it, even though the powers that be tried to put a positive spin on it.

August 2006

May 2006

Wordpress template for Social Bookmarking

by dhiraj (via)
A Wordpress template snippet for adding links to *all* Social Bookmarking sites.

April 2006

Why Social Bookmark?

by ycc2106
I have tried MANY MANY social bookmarks and people have been asking me questions. Most of you already know this, so this is for the very beginners:A simple overview of the basics.

March 2006


by misskitty4280 & 1 other
Autoblogger will read recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag and create a link to them with the page title, as well as quote a random (filtered, given simple heuristics) excerpt of the text. It's better used for long texts

February 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag bookmarks

api +   bookmark +   bookmarking +   browser +   browsers +   cool + +   delicious +   extension +   firefox +   google + +   mashup +   microsummaries +   mobile +   mozilla +   phone +   software +   web2.0 +  

Active users

last mark : 07/01/2008 17:29

last mark : 05/05/2007 09:04

last mark : 12/04/2007 10:03

last mark : 09/04/2007 01:35

last mark : 12/01/2007 19:08

last mark : 13/12/2006 15:49

last mark : 04/12/2006 04:13

last mark : 05/11/2006 17:12

last mark : 19/10/2006 01:03

last mark : 27/09/2006 08:24

last mark : 25/05/2006 00:26

last mark : 24/04/2006 21:41

last mark : 28/03/2006 22:21

last mark : 04/03/2006 13:44

last mark : 28/02/2006 20:47