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PUBLIC MARKS with tags books & shop




by sbrothier
MENDO is a candy store for book aficionados. Browse the latest on fashion, photography, architecture, interior and graphic design, create wish lists, share them, order online or at our store in Amsterdam or our shop in London. MENDO Keep browsing


by sbrothier
“LE PLAC’ART PHOTO”: si le nom de la boutique est un clin d’oeil à son exiguïté, sa graphie rectifie les données : c’est d’un placard aux merveilles qu’il s’agit. Le long de ce ‘couloir d’art’ - la boutique est construite tout en longueur - les étagères regorgent de trésors: livres épuisés collectés précieusement, éditions originales, revues d’art anciennes, catalogues d’exposition, affiches rares ou autres curiosités… [à dénicher d’occasion pour la plupart]. Ce lieu atypique est vivant est né d’une véritable passion du propriétaire, qui souhaite ‘mettre l’accent sur l’image, qu’elle nous raconte une histoire, nous émeuve ou nous choque, qu’elle soit le témoin d’un instant figé ou celui de l’intemporel’.


La Cocotte - Librairie du goût

by sbrothier
5, rue Paul Bert 75011 Paris La Cocotte propose une sélection de livres gourmands. Des livres de recettes surtout, mais pas uniquement : tous les supports sont possibles pour parler du goût : design, photo, mangas, romans, histoire, essais… Sans oublier le rayon jeunesse. Voir, toucher, sentir, raconter, échanger, partager, réfléchir, expérimenter… la gourmandise à La Cocotte peut prendre toutes les formes. Il y a aussi à La Cocotte un coin Salon de thé , une grande table où l’on peut s’attarder, siroter un thé ou un café et déguster nos spécialités pâtissières. Vous trouverez également une sélection d'objets pratiques et /ou ludiques qu'on a envie d'avoir dans sa cuisine, et bien sûr les créations maison.


Serizawa: Master of Japanese Textile Design | Japan Society Shop

by sbrothier
A 134-page, fully illustrated catalogue edited by Joe Earle and published by Yale University Press provides the historical, cultural, and ideological context for Serizawa's unique oeuvre in six essays written by leading Japanese and American scholars of 20th-century Japanese art and literature.



by sbrothier
The brand DICK stands for high-quality, sharp tools with long useful lives. The comprehensive product range is aimed at both professional craftsmen and keen DIY specialists. In addition to tools for wood working, sharpening accessories and associated services, the widest possible variety of materials as well as a large selection of knives, DICK also offers Europe’s largest selection of Japanese hand tools. Experts are available to help you select the right tools, and will be pleased to answer any related questions you might have. The product range is complemented by a range of focused specialist courses for traditional craftsmanship techniques which is unique to Europe.


by sbrothier
Le Lezard Noir (Black Lizard) is a publishing company specialised in avant-garde mangas, artists books, photo books, children books, etc. mainly from japanese authors.


Blurb | Self publish with free BookSmart software for Windows or Mac

by sbrothier & 19 others
Bookstore quality books, by you, for friends, for clients, for sale, for keeps

Concrete Hermit

by sbrothier & 4 others, 2 comments
“Punk is an attitude not an aesthetic” Since 2004 Concrete Hermit has worked with selected artists, building its reputation by producing a range of graphically lead products including books, T-shirts and badges. We decided to create a platform that promoted interesting work fairly and with respect for both the artist and the buyer. We enjoy working with diverse groups of people to produce good, interesting, unusual stuff. We try not to be lead by fashions or markets, although we are making products for consumers - we’re putting creations out there to be consumed. We’re no longer sure what real is but we’ll do our best to keep it real - We are post-neo-old-skool.

richtig flirten bücher

by amazonfan
Bücher zum Thema Liebe und richtig flirten. Man kann sich gar nicht vorstellen, was für Probleme viele Männer mit dem zwangslosen Flirten haben.

2006 : Fontbox pdfs

by sbrothier
Many of the PDF files above are representations from the FontBox, a new, more flexible medium for sourcing and selecting type. This unique unit stores showings from each of the manufacturers we represent - building ultimately into a complete reference library of fonts and services. These listings will provide a showing from each of the manufacturers we represent - building ultimately into a complete reference library of fonts and services, all of which can be stored in the FontBox: a new, more flexible medium for sourcing and selecting type.

by alexandre & 1 other
Librairie indépendante en ligne de livres anciens, rares et d'occasion. Achats, ventes et expertises.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag books

book +   course +   delicious +   education +   mit +   open +   opensource +   source +   study +  

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