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PUBLIC MARKS with tags browsers & xml

25 June 2006

Fjax: Just say no

by François Hodierne

I'm not normally given to debunking crazy technology ideas - mainly because there are so many out there that it would be a full-time job - but this thing is so obviously broken I thought it best to try and nip it in the bud.

15 May 2006

05 May 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag browsers

ajax +   api +   applications +   bookmark +   bookmarking +   bookmarks +   browser +   business +   code +   cool + +   delicious +   design +   desktop +   development +   flickr +   free +   fun +   google +   hacking +   html +   humor + +   internet +   java +   library +   mashup +   mobile +   mozilla +   network +   phone +   plugins +   programming +   proxy +   rails +   reference +   resources +   rss +   software +   standards +   tags +   technology +   tools +   utilities +   validation +   video +   virtual +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   yahoo +  

Active users

François Hodierne
last mark : 26/06/2006 21:10

last mark : 15/05/2006 03:05