public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags business & film


Revver :

by springnet & 2 others
If you like to create or share video, Revver was made for you. Every time someone watches a video that you've uploaded or shared, you could earn money. Best of all, we protect your rights as an artist.


Code Z: Black Visual Culture Now

by jlesage
many categories, including fine art, design, fashion, film, architecture, publishing, digital media, public policy; attractively designed site, starting Aug. 06

The Movie Business Challenge - Blog Maverick - _

by springnet
This is an open challenge. You come up with a solution, you get a job. Seriously. This is the problem that consumes me more than what Free Agent we are going to sign. How to get the NBA to get their act together. Which 7-11 Im going to run by to get a san


Active users

last mark : 23/05/2007 15:24

last mark : 19/11/2006 17:07

last mark : 01/01/1970 01:00