Canadian music industry: forget the levies, bring on DRM heaven
by multilinko (via)Digital Rights Management, to repeat my argument, is not about stopping piracy, but about shutting down fair use. The aim of shutting down fair use is simple: the copyright owners want to nickel and dime users.
Slashdot | Canadian Law Profs Counter CRIA Propaganda
by multilinko (via)The Globe and Mail reports that Canadian law professors have countered the Canadian recording industry's misinformation campaign in a new 600-page book that is being made freely available under a creative commons license. Led by Professor Michael Geist, the book provides full coverage of the possibility of Canada adopting DMCA-like copyright laws.
Library Boy: Copyright Act Reform Tabled Monday
by multilinko (via)The long-awaited copyright reform bill is to be tabled Monday, June 20, 2005 according to the House of Commons Order Paper (see item no 4 under "Introduction of Government Bills").
Globetechnology: Appeals court opens door to music download suits
by multilinko (via)Canadians who share music files on the Internet can now be sued by the record industry, but it will not be an easy process, according to legal experts.
A Canadian Federal Court of Appeal's decision, released Thursday afternoon, upheld a ruling last year denying the recording industry's demand that Internet Service Providers be forced to reveal the identities of 29 people that the Canadian Recording Industry Association had identified as major downloaders. But the appeals decision is being interpreted as a win by both sides in the music download debate, since it left the door open to future suits when the judge indicated copyright law must still be respected.
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