September 2006
到处在喊中国特色的XXXX, 为什么中国的Web 2.0却如此缺乏中国特色?- 我blog故我在
by jackiege流氓、作弊也算是中国特色了,做流氓能发财还去辅导新流氓然后又做反流氓, 这就更加中国特色+中国特色了...所以这就是为什么人家流氓总是混得不错的原因, 因为遵循了"中国特色".
苹果公司对富士康报告的中文译文(by 方振宁) - 思维的乐趣BLOG
by jackiege***调查组认为,在大部分调查项目中,该供应商遵守了苹果的规定,但调查组的确发现了违反“供应商行为准则”的行为及需要改善之处,调查组正与该供应商着手解决。以下是调查结果及对该
by jackiege想要让富士康也能低下高贵的头,首先要自强,如果我们的法律,能够保护工人的权益,如果我们的法律,能够保证工人的利益,如果我们的法律,能够保障媒体的利益,那么,无论是哪个厂,
August 2006
June 2006
by jackiege如果只是GDP和吸引外资的增长,那么这么做是有道理的,但其结果往往是以人们的生活水平得不到提高为代价,由此导致贫富差距越来越大。
December 2005
China Herald
by vistaWeblog with daily updates of the news on the emerging civil society in China, from the quirky perspective of internet entrepreneur, new media advisor and China-consultant Fons Tuinstra.
October 2005
August 2005
July 2005
Branding in China
by tsalonA full transcript of the "Brands in China" panel, co-sponsored by the AIGA and the Center on Global Brand Leadership A stir in Asia: Nationalism is on the rise even as the region's economies intertwine
by tsaloneconomic interdependence doesn't necessarily translate into more tolerance between nations
June 2005
EastSouthWestNorth: The Shalan Flash Flood - Part 2
by tsalonWas that famous photo of the hand prints left on the wall by dying children fake (or, at least, untruthful)? Here are many of the doubts that have been raised so far, together with a simple refutation.