ODT2XHTML - LA class PHP qui transforme vos fichiers ODT en fichiers (X)HTML !
by camel & 4 othersOdt2Xhtml - Odt to Xhtml - est une classe en PHP, version 5, dont le but ultime est de convertir des fichiers au format OpenDocument - ODT - en fichiers (x)html pour faciliter la publication sur Internet de vos pages et/ou l'intégration dans des systèmes de publication Internet...
PHP DocWriter
by camel
PHP DocWriter is a set of PHP classes that allows you to create documents in OpenOffice.org XML format (that is, StarOffice/OpenOffice.org documents).
It is also capable of communicate with the OpenOffice.org application with the purpose of convert OpenOffice.org XML generated documents to any other format supported by the OpenOffice.org application in an automatic and transparent way.
(4 marks)