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PUBLIC MARKS with tags clevermarks & module


CKEditor Link - A plugin to easily create links to Drupal internal paths |

by claire_
This module currently allows to easily create links to Drupal nodes through CKEditor's Link button and dialog. It can be considered as a stable alternative to the experimental and non-recommended Link to content module.

Menu Editor |

by claire_
Menu Editor enhances the menu editing form with inline text fields for title, path and description, and provides placeholders for new items. This way, it reduces the number of page visits needed to create a site's menu structure, and eliminates the need for dummy nodes. This way, it reduces the number of page visits needed to create a site's menu structure, and eliminates the need for dummy nodes.

Drupal site organization, monitoring, management and best practices: Droptor

by claire_
Finally, an easy way to keep all of your Drupal sites secure, tuned and organized.


Publication en open-source du socle technique des sites France 24 et RFI | LAB France24

by claire_
Lancé en décembre 2006, la première version du site de France 24 était basée sur un CMS Java, Magniola. Mais à cause de problèmes de stabilité, nous avions migré le site sur Drupal 5 six mois plus tard. Nous venons tout juste de migrer le site de France 24 sur Drupal 6 et un socle technique réécrit from scratch. Ce socle est aussi partagée par la nouvelle version du site de RFI, lancée quasi-simultanément début novembre. Il en résulte un socle technique générique composé de modules Drupal, qui pourraient être réutilisés par d'autres sites journalistiques.

GraphMind |

by claire_
GraphMind is a mindmap editor for Drupal. It has the basic mindmap features and some Drupal specific enhancement.

Bienvenue sur Drupalistic | Drupalistic

by claire_ & 1 other
Vous vous demandez quels modules utiliser pour construire votre site avec Drupal ? Vous aimeriez trouver de la documentation en français sur tel ou tel module ? Vous voudriez essayer d'autres modules similaires pour utiliser le plus performant ?

Referential Integrity for CCK |

by claire_
This module provides a method to enforce referential integrity rules for CCK user and node reference fields. In other words, it allows you to decide what to do with reference values when a referenced entity (node or user) is deleted.

Rules |

by claire_
The rules modules allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events. It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the workflow-ng module. So you can: • send customized mails to notify your users about important changes • build flexible content publishing workflows • create custom redirections, system messages, breadcrumbs, .. • and a lot more....

Creating Custom CCK Fields | Lullabot

by claire_
You can create custom CCK fields, widgets, and formatters for any situation, but it can be hard to see how to do it.

Aegir hosting system |

by claire_
Ægir is a set of modules for Drupal that helps you maintain several Drupal sites. It does this by providing you with a simple Drupal based hosting front end for your entire network of sites. To deploy a new site you simply have to create a new Site node. To backup or upgrade sites, you simply manage your site nodes as you would any other node.

Making and Using Features in Drupal | Development Seed

by claire_
Features is part of the answer to one of Drupal’s biggest headaches – what to do with all that loose site building and customization that happens on every project. Features is part of the answer to making stronger, better install profiles and targeted distributions of Drupal. And features is part of the answer to making Drupal more task oriented and less daunting to our users.


Drupal: Sharing content with Domain Access | Trellon

by claire_
We were recently approached by a client who wanted to create two sites to serve different audiences but with vast amounts of common content. The same group of people would be responsible for the upkeep of both sites and the desired solution would allow content to be shared with great ease. We initially considered a Drupal multisite install, but the idea was rejected in favor of the Domain Access module.

Exploiter l'API Schéma de Drupal 6

by claire_
Avec Drupal 6, il est maintenant possible de définir un schéma de base de donnée par module comprenant une ou plusieurs tables de manière très simplifiée.

France24 releases nodeselect code! | LAB France24

by claire_
Improve the nodereference CCK fields. The module runs a quick search engine. The user can filter node by title, creation date, status. They can drag and drop the node into a nodereference field and change the order of the field.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clevermarks

entreprise +   interview +   personne:Frédéric_Bon +   réseaux_sociaux +   TV4IT +   vidéo +  

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last mark : 22/07/2010 12:18

last mark : 18/05/2010 09:13