public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags clevermarks & twitter

July 2010

Suivez vos colis de la Poste via Twitter

by nhoizey & 1 other
Un simple compte à suivre et tout se fait ensuite par échanges de DM, malin et bien présenté !

April 2010

JanRain Brings OpenID And Other Single Sign-On Options To iPhone Apps

by nhoizey
"iPhone developers will be able to use it to create a scrolling menu of sign-in options (RPX supports 16 identity platforms). "

March 2010

SXSW: Twitter CEO Launches @anywhere to Tepid Audience Reaction | Epicenter |

by nhoizey
"Twitter @anywhere will likely put Twitter in front of all sorts of people who wouldn’t have used it before. And as they become more exposed to the service, according to Forrester social media analyst Augie Ray, they’ll be more likely to sign up for a Twitter account and become part of the conversation, instead of consuming information in a one-way fashion"

February 2010

September 2009

Ajouter des notes à Evernote avec Twitter

by nhoizey
Excellent exemple d'utilisation de l'API Twitter pour alimenter facilement ses notes Evernote

July 2009

June 2009

January 2009

Les sites e-commerces buzzent sur Twitter

by nhoizey
Faire gagner des produits aux followers twitter, cela suffira-t-il à attirer des clients ?

October 2008

Twinfluence - Twitter Influence Analyzer

by nhoizey
Imagine Twitterer1, who has 10,000 followers - most of which are bots and inactives with no followers of their own. Now imagine Twitterer2, who only has 10 followers - but each of them has 5,000 followers. Who has the most real "influence?" Twitterer2, of course.

August 2008

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Snowl

by nhoizey
Snowl is an experiment, a prototype Firefox extension that integrates messaging into the browser based on a few key ideas

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clevermarks

ajax +   debug +   dhtml +   doc +   dom +   extension +   firefox +   groupe:clever-age +   horde +   imap +   javascript +   js +   lang:fr +   mail +   mozilla +   php +   prototype +   webmail +  

Active users

last mark : 22/07/2010 15:43

last mark : 15/06/2009 09:56