public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag cleverplanet

May 2009

Element Styling Cheat Sheet | adaptivethemes

by claire_
this is something all budding themers can make use of, and save yourself a few minutes as well.

Framework to Extend hook_block in Drupal | Advomatic - Drupal Development, Hosting, and Consulting

by claire_
As a developer, one area of frustration I've frequently encountered in the past is how to control block placement and visibility from code. One of the strengths of Drupal is the abililty to administer most of the site from the site itself. This powerful ability, among others, has spelled doom for the webmaster. At the same time, there are some parts of building a site that a case can be made that would be better accomplished with code. Building blocks is arguably one such case.

April 2009

La transparence du format PNG

by claire_
Le format PNG ne propose pas qu'un seul type de transparence. Il propose plusieurs méthodes, selon les formats de l'image PNG, qui seront présentés et illustrés par des exemples...

How To: Manage Drupal Permissions More Easily | | Drupal Tutorials

by claire_
How To: Manage Drupal Permissions More Easily : A collection of modules which extend the level of control, make it easier to focus on the permissions that matter (relative to what you’re setting up at the time), and remove the visual clutter from this extensive web page.

Hack Drupal core! |

by claire_
For a fairly large community site (think OG, node access control, private messages etc), we were getting in trouble giving authenticated users a decent browsing experience. The worst page was taking 16 (yes, sixteen) seconds to load and others were getting in trouble too now that the number of users and nodes was growing rapidly. Not acceptable of course, so we went searching for solutions:

Lenteur de MySQL, Drupal, Views & User Relationship | Adyax Blog

by claire_
Suite à la mise en production d’une nouvelle version d’un gros site communautaire basé sur Drupal, le serveur ne répondait plus au bout d’une heure… Voici les étapes pour identifier et corriger le problème.

February 2009

Displaying Hierarchical Content | DrupalEasy

by claire_
Displaying hierarchical content is a common request of database-driven web sites. Drupal gives you great flexibility in doing this without writing a single line of code, using a couple of battle-tested modules.

cufon - GitHub

by claire_ & 1 other
Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required.

January 2009

A new form element in Drupal core | Heine

by claire_
With Commit #167487, a new form element has been added to Drupal core to provide an alternative means of selecting items. Now, next to 'select' (combobox, list), checkboxes and radios, core carries the 'tableselect' element. This element allows developers to easily create tables with selectable rows. Ideal for those situations where you have to provide a lot of data on the items to the user.

November 2008

October 2008

Through the lines / Maxime THOMAS / Blogs / - Wascou

by claire_
Choose a eZ website and type at the end : /content/browse/2 or /user/register or /ezinfo/about You can access all the tree of the website, or you can register yourself on the website or just access some information about versions and packages installed on this website.

logstalgia - Google Code

by claire_
Logstalgia (aka ApachePong) replays or streams a standard website access log (eg access.log) as a retro arcade game-like simulation.

September 2008

PrinterShare® Print it anytime, anywhere! FREE Download software!

by claire_
With PrinterShare® you can print documents and photos on other people's printers as easily as on the local one connected to your machine.

Plugins SPIP

by nhoizey & 1 other
Les plugins SPIP ont droit à un nouveau site tout joli, mais pas encore très rempli.

PHP For Windows

by nhoizey
The PHP Windows Development team would like to announce this new website. Here you will find information specifically related to Windows, such as downloads, snapshots and documentation.

codeswarm - Google Code

by claire_
Organic software visualization of project repositories.

August 2008

Astuce pour sécuriser l'affichage d'un site eZ Publish - Clochix

by nhoizey
ne mise en commun de bonnes pratiques de sécurisation des CMS

Active users

last mark : 28/05/2009 15:23

last mark : 17/10/2008 14:48