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PUBLIC MARKS with tag clipping





quoteunquote | anil bawa : Clippr.

by ycc2106
Clippr bears some similarity to the social bookmarking tool, in that it allows users to tag and archive content from the web. However, where revolves around the concept of the 'bookmark', Clippr's main building block is a 'clipping'. A clipping is either a textual excerpt taken from a webpage or an article from an RSS feed. Both these types of clippings are treated in the same way by Clippr. (not online yet)

Ponto Media » Technorati lança Technorati Explore

by bcpbcp
A TECHNORATI lançou o Technorati Explore, um site onde é possível desobrir os posts mais populares dentro de um determinado tema. Para já, são oito os temas mais organizados: Business, Fashion, Gadgets, Gossip, Journalism, Media, Politics e Programming.

Softwares de inteligência empresarial antecipam o futuro - Terra - Hardware & Software

by bcpbcp
Quando a Hewlett-Packard estava à procura de maneiras de ganhar dinheiro com sua tecnologia para gerar imagens mais nítidas, usou um software inteligente para ajudá-la a encontrar a resposta mais lucrativa. O aplicativo calculava rapidamente as oportunidades, mais ou menos da mesma maneira que uma empresa de capital para empreendimentos faria, e determinou que as altas margens de lucros nas TVs de tela grande faziam desse segmento o mercado ideal, disse Ralph Morales, executivo da H


[服務]比 更好的 BlogMarks 2005.10.31 11:27 <!-- var today=new Date("2005/10/31"); var btday=new Date("2005/1/8"); /* ?? */ var yy; var mm; var dd; var num; var toMon=today.getMonth(

by YukuanMark & 1 other
我們可以將心愛的網上內容 bookmark 到 BlogMarks 的 server, 何時都可以在任何有電腦有 internet 的地方找回你的 bookmarks。不單如此, 透過方便及易於搜尋的 tagging 分類法, 你的 bookmarks 更可以分享給全球以十億計算的網民, 相反來說, 他人的 bookmarks 你亦可以享用得到。


ZieTag, Your Personal Knowledge-base Manager

by maitrewong & 2 others
ZieTag is your personal knowledge-base manager how does it help? It helps you organize your findings related to your interests and monitor your interests for new related web pages on the Internet thru search engines.

diigo - Social Annotation: Seamless Integration of Social Bookmarking, Web Highlighter, Sticky-Note & Clipping

by coxtree & 44 others
Several powerful features are seamlessly integrated to make Diigo a real "power extension" and must-have for anyone who browses a lot of stuff online.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clipping

clip +   css +   css2.1 +   images +  

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