public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag clustrmaps

June 2007

ClustrMaps - Hit counter map widget

by lukeslytalker
Tracker shows locations of all visitors to any site - free


by lukeslytalker
ClusterMaps main blog

January 2006

Guest Book, and then?

by YukuanBlog
這兩天陸續補充 Blogger 的不足,捲起袖子來為它妝點門面:為每篇文章加了引用(Trackbacks)的 link ;在 sidebar 的下方加了一個酷酷的圖,叫做 ClustrMaps ;添增了訪客簽名簿(Guest Book)方便訪客簽名留言、說些悄悄話。

December 2005

來自 ClustrMaps 的觀察

by YukuanBlog
前些日子在 ecmanaut 的部落格 sidebar 下方發現了這個 ClustrMaps 後,就心想,這真是個時髦的玩意兒。在前些天兒一時興起,也到 ClustrMaps 註冊一個來用。這三天下來,陸續發現一些好玩的現象。

Four Visitor Mapping Services Compared

by ecmanaut
I share your positive experiences with ClustrMaps and their customer service. Upon contacting them about a feature I wanted, they were interested but busy, and recommended a peek at GVisit. Upon suggesting the same feature there, I was invited to supply t

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag clustrmaps

analytics +   blogger +   blogging +   blogs +   blogtech +   bugfix +   ecmanaut +   eng +   geomapping +   guestbook +   gvisit +   ie +   internet +   javascript +   myComments +   onload +   public +   tagboard +  

Active users

last mark : 25/06/2007 12:50

last mark : 20/01/2006 10:29

last mark : 10/12/2005 16:11