May 2008
December 2007
EET France SAS
by cascamortoRevendeur informatique et notamment
OUTILS PIECES DETACHEES : * HP / Compaq, Lexmark, Epson, Canon, IBM, Xerox, Toshiba, Kit de maintenance, fours, rollers...
Impact Computers Your Laptop Parts specialists
by is dedicated to the business of replacement parts distribution. We are primarily an outsource facility that assumes the major responsibility of supplementing the existing channels when they fail in their attempt to satisfy customer requirements for Notebook Parts, Server Parts and Desktop Parts. We have the largest selection of Displays, Hinges, Caddies, Batteries, Ac Adaptors and every little part for your Notebook, Desktop or Server.
July 2007 : ordinateur portable occasion, pc occasion, informatique pas cher, pc portable occasion
by cascamorto (via)Bienvenue chez pc occasion, votre spécialiste de l'occas, du destockage et de l'informatique à prix discount. Nous proposons du matériel informatique de grande marque neuf, reconditionné et de seconde main . Nos ordinateurs sont personnalisables et configurables à volonté grâce aux options proposées dans votre panier.
by cascamortoDESTOCKAGE INFORMATIQUE - TEL 02 47 64 69 48
Portables Serveur - Station graphique PC bureau Lot de PC de bureau Lot de Portables Ecrans Imprimante Pieces detachees
January 2007
(10 marks)