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PUBLIC MARKS with tags concert & trio


Fiestango - Tango argentin

by p.fassier
Fiestango: piano - violon - contrebasse - trio musique - tango - mariage - concert - musique d'ambiance - cordes Janie Caron - Piano Amélie Lamontagne - Violon Geneviève Bigonnesse - Contrebasse


jazzing up in HK!!!!

by ryanne
[tuesday, 17 may 2005] this is no dream. this is freakishly real. my favourite jazz group is COMING TO HK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16/09/2005 (Fri) Jazz Up: Trio Töykeät Hong Kong City Hall (Theatre) Student Tickets: $100, $60 (Presented by LCSD) thanks to ray

flickr freebies + trio tickets

by ryanne
[thursday, 09 june 2005] 今天 law firm 發生了一件不愉快事件....不願再提...@__@ 我竟然慢了兩拍, 出了Flickr Schwag 都唔知!schwag [noun]: 1. free/extra goods, usu. given to employees or workers 2. low grade marijuana buy jor tick

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag concert

la-grande-sophie +   life-live +   louise-attaque +   maximum-couette +   élysée-montmartre +   sanseverino +   soirée +  

Active users

last mark : 14/02/2008 18:34

last mark : 31/08/2005 05:56