public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags consoles & gaming

June 2007

Jeu-vidéo : actu, chroniques et dossiers -

by Fluctuat (via)
Jeux Video : l'actu du jeux video sur : chroniques, dossiers et interviews + les derniers billets publiés sur Chamboultout, le blog du gaming.

October 2006

Wii Resource Centre

by hgimedia
The original Nintendo Wii Resource Centre has just re-launched after a major overhaul. There is a ton of Wii information, over 150 game profiles and real time news. Well worth a look...

August 2006

What's the trend? 360 vs PS3 vs Nintendo Wii

by ehdmi
I ran the numbers to get a feel of how popular the keywords, 360,wii and ps3 were and the results were fairly predictable. There has been a pretty large drop in 360 inquires since the other 2 have come onto the scene.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag consoles

filesharing +   psp +   torrents +  

Active users

last mark : 02/06/2007 11:29

last mark : 21/10/2006 15:17

last mark : 10/08/2006 21:27