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PUBLIC MARKS with tags coverage & code


technique @PMSIpilot » Code coverage des tests unitaires d’un projet symfony et intégration dans Hudson CI

by Xavier Lacot
Un exemple d'automatisation de tests unitaires avec symfony et Hudson. Le point intéressant est le calcul de la couverture des tests - idéalement, on doit tendre vers 100.


i should be coding :: unit tests and code coverage with phpt

by kasi77 (via)
My initial experiences with unit testing and PHP were with PHPUnit. While it's a great tool and I have to give kudos to Sebastian for contributing so much to its development, I've come to appreciate the simplicity of PHPT tests. Recently, I wrote some for a project and realized that I wasn't aware of how to generate code coverage reports. Many thanks to the very helpful patrons in the #pear channel on EFNet for helping me to get this working.



Code Coverage Analysis

by eban777
This paper gives a complete description of code coverage analysis (test coverage analysis), a software testing technique.

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 16/06/2010 12:17

last mark : 02/06/2008 16:53

last mark : 28/05/2006 03:04

last mark : 15/01/2005 05:50